Friday, May 31, 2013

BINGO #3 !!

  We have another BINGO!

 Bingo Card #2
Row G down

Like Cloud Star on Facebook

 we are not on facebook
but we visited their web site and
checked out some yummy natural treats

Follow Finn's Blog
Since we showed you that we follow Finn
last week 
we wanted to show that we love Gizmo too!

Take a walk in a Nature Preserve
Sunday morning we went for a walk in
The Edson Fichter Nature Area

the trail is part of the Pocatello Greenway

There was a sign to tell us about the trail
and who it is named after

This is the Portneuf River
it feeds into the
community fishing pond

a walking path goes all around the pond
 While we were walking we met this
lady peep and her little peep
this was a place where it looked like
they would give nature talks
It was a beautiful walk all the way around
Find a sculpture
This metal sculpture was at the entrance to the trail

Find Flowers
we really liked these purple flowers and

 there sure was a lot of them
We had a great time
It was a beautiful morning for a walk

We want to do it again!
We would like to thank Finn & Gizmo
for hosting Park Day 2.0 
and inspiring us to get out and see some new places.
We had a blast!
We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Greta


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Monday, May 27, 2013

Field of Heroes

2013 Idaho Field of Heroes Memorial


Memorial Day Weekend 2013, May 24 - 27
at Century High School in Pocatello Idaho



The Field of Heroes is a community volunteer project. The materials required for its production are all donated or purchased with funds donated by the general public. That includes everything from the wood, paint, lamination of the plaques, lights, and portable toilets, to the metal connectors, signs and additional needs. These volunteers include Veterans, Boy Scouts, and kids out of school, professionals who take time from their workday to come out, housewives and regular patriotic citizens. Other volunteers include local law enforcement and members of the local National Guard and Reserve Units, many who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Volunteers take time out of their busy lives and come out in all kinds of weather to make the tribute perfect.
The Field of Heroes is a one of a kind tribute to every service member who has died in Iraq or Afghanistan since the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom (now Operation New Dawn) and Operation Enduring Freedom.
  On Memorial Day weekend, the soccer fields at Century High School in Pocatello, Idaho are transformed into a temporary memorial in the spirit of famous national cemeteries such as Arlington National Cemetery which is located in Washington DC.
The engineers begin with a largely empty soccer field at Century High School...
  Each wooden marker is handmade, painted white and affixed with the name, rank and the date of death of an American Service Member who paid the ultimate price in the name of freedom.

The markers are then carefully spaced and placed into the ground. Once the field has been constructed
 it is then dedicated as hallowed ground
and opened to the public
for those who wish to come and pay their respects.
We did not get to go on the Memorial Ground
as pets were not allowed
but a nice lady offered to take our picture
with Mom & Dad just outside the memorial
Mom and Dad then each took a turn visiting the Memorial
From Mom
It is hard to describe the power of this memorial
Although this is its 10th year,
this was the first time we made the trip across town to see it.

Stan & I decided to return Sat evening without the pugs
so we could take our time experiencing it together.
In front there was a special section for Idaho
 two rows of larger crosses
each with the name, rank, age,
where killed, hometown and a picture

We went up and down the row pausing to read each one
before walking out into the rows and rows of crosses
Those who had been awarded the Medal of Honor
their story was displayed with their cross

The Price of Freedom

   As Americans we hold the right to free speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, the right to be represented in government, the right to keep and bear arms, and the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness above all else. The men and women who have fought and died in every war and conflict since we won our freedom, thought that the rights of others, the freedom of their children, and the right to choose their own fate, was far more important than their own lives. This is the price paid for your liberty, your freedom, and your way of life. Honor this gift because it is the Price of Freedom.

On this Memorial Day
we honor all those
 (two and four legged)
that have fought and gave their lives
 serving this country. 

May God Bless America

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Friday, May 24, 2013

Agility Fun Night

Well furiends
 I made it through my Foundation Agility class
On the last night of class
we actually got to run a short agility course
Mom remembered the camera and
asked someone to take pictures 
so I finally have some to share.
Going over the jump

5 second pause on table

figure eight around poles
look at that focus on Mom
Dog Walk
Mom is going to have to get in better shape
to keep up with me

Just exited the tunnel on my way to a jump

Weave poles!
Last jump, we're done!
Now we have a couple of weeks off
then I will start Beginning Agility class.
And we are going to my first Obedience Trial
in mid June. Mom has signed us up for
Beginner Novice on two days.
Wish us luck!
We are The PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Bingo #2

Ok gang!
We finished another BINGO for Park Day 2.0 hosted by
this one is Bingo card #1  Center Row Across
Spot a squirrel!
OMD I found one
 What is this squirrel doing in here??
Follow FINN's blog
There she is on our blog list
Park Bench Free Space
All this fun kinda wears a girl out!
Like Deidre's K9 Naturals on Facebook
 We are not on facebook 
we did visit her web site
and checked out the products she has.
(and Mom thinks it is cool that her name is the same as Mom's two legger daughter)
And last but certainly not least
Visit an Urban Park
We did just that when we met up
with our buddy Bert last week.
We went to Constitution Park
in Pocatello Idaho
It was our first time there.
 A beautiful park with grass and trees
and playground equipment to pee on!
A great place to meet with friends.
 And speaking of friends
The animals of Moore, OK need our help
Our friends Susie and Sidebite
(they live 20 miles from Moore)
with the help of Frankie & Ernie
have come up with a way we can all help
read on for more info

Dear Furends,
       If you would like to HELP the Dogs, Cats, Horses, and other ANIMALS effected by the 5/20/13 TORNADO in Moore, Oklahoma here is WHAT and HOW to do it.     
       Our beloved furends           SUSIE, SHADOW, and SIDEBITE     are spearheading the efforts.     They live less than 20 miles from Moore.   You can Click the link above ↑ to find their Blog...   or go to htt://  to read about them and learn more about the relief help that they have gotten started.      Their DAD's BOSS at the Pro Tire Center is allowing us to use his business Address   and the business CREDIT CARD system to make donating EASY for YOU

ALL FUNDS WILL BE DONATED   to "Central Park Dog Care"  which is part of  the "Oklahoma Humane Society" & the "Moore Humane Society"
 PeeS, they already have Dogs and Cats coming in!

We will save all funds until we feel that most donations have been received, then a Company check will be written. We will use a photo of YOU and  your name on a POSTER when we donate the check!
            *****         **************      ********       ********       **********
Once you have made a donation PLEASE go to Susie and Sidebite's BLOG and leave a Comment  giving your permission   for them to take a picture from YOUR blog...   and give them your Blog URL for doing so.      
THEY want YOU to receive the acknowledgement you well deserve


 If you would like to send CASH or  a CHECK     make it Payable to PRO TIRE CENTER 
    Mail it to :

  Pro Tire Center            
Att: JIM   
10735 N. Rockwell
Oklahoma City, OK    73162 
 Be sure to include the NAME of WHO is making the donation EX... Frankie Furter
          **********            ***********************                *********************************


 If you would like to pay by Credit Card...    
      Please send an EMAIL to

  and be SURE to include the following info

in the BODY of the email please include the following:
2.   Your NAME as it appears on the card   PLUS....
                      your ADDRESS     City  State   ZipCode and   COUNTRY    
3.  Name of your Credit Card     (Master Card.. Am. Express...or Discover only)
4.  The AMOUNT $  you wish to donate
5.  Your PHONE NUMBER....  in case there is a problem processing the information
6.  Your Credit Card #    including the   Three Numbers on the BACK...
7.   AND the name of the one(s) making the donation  (ex.    Frankie and Ernie) 
      (NOTE:   your statement will say that a payment was made to  "Pro Tire Center") 


THE NEED there is going to be HUGE.    Please do what you can
      There is NO minimum amount for donation.    Every $ will HELP.     

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Monday, May 20, 2013

Our Date with Bert!

The weather was rainy
but that did not stop us
from meeting our friend Bert on Friday
Mom found a park that was easy for Miss Vickie to find.
 Here we are waiting for them to arrive!
They are here!!
Look! It's Bert! 
He is just as handsome in person
we were a little star struck!

 Greta, Bert & Mom saying hello!

Bert is real good at posing for pictures

And talk about some playground fun
Bert knows how to have a good time

Look! Bert's King of the World!
Bailey & Bert went for a stroll together
working things out cause
they kinda got off on the wrong paw
(sorry Bert buddy, I wasn't a very gracious host)
And after a good roll in the wet grass
we posed for some more pictures
Hazel & Bert
 Greta, Hazel & Bert
Then all of us together!
my goodness he is sooo big
All too soon it was time
we had to say goodbye to our friends
Bert & Miss Vickie
We were so happy to get to meet you!
Miss Vickie we love you,
you are pawsome
and Bert,
 you're the Man!

Thanks for coming to see us!
Till we meet again...
We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Greta