Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Thank you Dr.Oats!

Today we want to say Thank You
to our favorite Dogtor

Dogtor Oats has been our main Vet for many years 
Now she has decided to retire from full time vet work
(she will be back doing relief work in the fall)

We love her for her laid back, no nonsense approach
and also for her compassionate and dedicated care
 we will miss her!

Dogtor Oats is the one that tried so hard 
to save our Sweet Greta,
even taking Greta to her home at night to care for her
and we will be forever grateful.

Congratulations Dr. Oats!!
Enjoy your horses and grandkids!

love from

The PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Monday, June 29, 2015

Rodeo Reminder!

Howdy Pawdners!!!

Just a little reminder that deadlines are coming up 
for entering Rodeo Events!

You still have time to enter my 
Mutton Bustin' event

Deadline to send your picture to us at

pugranch2 AT msn DOT com
 (post ready or we can fix you up)
is July 1st

Here are the Mutton Bustin' Contestants we have so far

Sweet William
Abby the Lab
Easy Rider
Mini Frankie
Mini Ernie
Princess Leah

And here are links for info on the other events

So Saddle Up Pawdners
Let's Rodeo!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Friday, June 26, 2015

FFHT and a Leibster Award!

Hi my friends!

Confession time - Our Mom has been really slacking!
You see over the last 87 several months, we have received a few awards from friends
 and we have not acknowledged them.
I knew I needed a good excuse - but most of them were before my arrival here and Mom says that work and life and then time goes by and yada, yada, yada.  
That is no excuse Mom!!  
Any ways we want to thank our friends for these awards

The Versatile Award - Thank you  Foley Monster and Pocket!
Influential Award - Thank you  Finley!
Liebster Award - Thank you  Finley, Bentley and Pierre !

And most recently the Liebster Award from Whitley the Westie !

Thank you Whitley!

Thank you to all of our friends for thinking of us!

I am going to tell you some random facts about me
then I will answer Whitley's questions

1. My pug mom's name is Elaine and my pug dad was named Jerry

2. My "official" name is "Maybe She's Mabelene"

3. My knicknames are Mabes, Little Girl, Skinny Minny and my most recent is Little Miss Bossy Pants

4. At night I usually sleep right in the middle between Mom & Dad

5. I am the only pug that Mom has ever had that doesn't seem to mind having my nails trimmed - I know -weird huh?? 

6. I love to meet new people but little peeps kinda freak me out. I try to hide when the youngest grandpeep (4yrs old) comes over. Must be the extra energy he gives off.

7. I am an early riser.  As soon as the sun starts coming up I think it is time to get up. The alarm goes off at 5:40 am, but it is all the peeps can do to keep me in bed that long - even on the weekends! BOL!

Whitley's Questions 

1. What are your favoritest treat?

I am not a picky girl - I love about anything that the peeps give me. Mom gave me my first himalayan chew the other day and it is pretty pawsome!
2. What are your favoritest toy?
My Monkey, I love to chew on the end of his tail. It gets all soaked with slobber and I drag him by the tail to mom so she can feel the wet gooey tail. She does not really appreciate that - I don't know why. And this weekend she gave my monkey a tail dock, cause I had kinda wore out the end. There is still enough to chew on though!
3.  Has ya ever killed anything?
Only my monkey's tail BOL! I did get ahold of a dead mouse once that looked like an owl had eaten and regurgetated. FREAKED Mom out! Dad had to pry it out of my mouth. HA HA!
4.  How barky is ya?  Quiet, medium, loud, or Whitley-level?
mmmmm I would say medium,   Bailey is loud!, Hazel is usually quiet. 
5.  Do ya get scared of storms or does ya ignore em?
They only thing that bothers me during a storm is MOM when she thinks I need to go out in the rain and potty. Actually they don't make us go out if it is a bad storm - they shut the door so we can't go out. When I was really little I did not like the wind - which can blow pretty hard here.  I tried to get as close to the ground as I could, mom says it looked pretty funny.
6.  What are your favorite nap spot?
Wherever Mom and Dad are - we have several dog beds around the house to choose from. In the evening I am usually on the couch with Mom & Dad. Oh I also help Dad take naps on the couch on the weekends! That is an important job you know
7.  Do ya like summer better or winter?
Well, this will be my first summer so I am not sure yet.  I must say I do not like the cold. Mom was worried when they brought me home in January that it would be harder for me to learn to potty outside. But it seemed to be easier because when it is real cold the only reason you go outside is to potty and I learned to get it done and get back in where it was warm.
8.  Who are your favorite peep?
Well I love both my Mom & Dad pretty equally with a slight lean towards Mom. That is probably because she takes me to training classes and stuff and feeds me breakfast. I do love my Dad too - he is great for playing a little rougher sometimes and is a good napping buddy. 
9.  What are da furthest from home ya has ever been?
When we went on our road trip a few weeks ago, it was 500 miles each way! It was worth the long days drive to go and meet the human daughter and family and  Hazel's family. It was my first time to meet them - I think they liked me!
10.  Do ya like baffs?
My life experience is short here also. We are short haired so we don't get bathed too often. I was not too sure what was happening but the towel rub afterward was pawsome! I did better with my second bath, but I was still ready to get out of the tub and get that towel rub.
11.  Do ya ever watch TV?
Nope, I don't pay any attention to it unless there is some weird sound. Bailey watches TV but not as much as he used to - he can't jump up on the couch anymore where he would fluff his pillows up and rest his head to watch. He still notices when there are puppers and kitties on the TV and barks at them.

Thanks again to all our friends! 
We love you and treasure your friendship!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Thursday, June 25, 2015

June Chewy Review

We are kinda late with our Chewy Review this month

Chewy ships our stuff  SUPER fast 
so we waited till we were home from our road trip 
to let Miss Sydney know our choice for this month

No way did we want our Chewy box to be sitting out
on the porch while we were gone

Some squirrel might have broken into the box 

We were so excited when it arrived

We all wanted to know what was inside!

Look Mom!
There's two things in our box!

Miss Sydney and Chewy sent us a bag of treats 
along with the

KONG Squeezz Ball with Handle Dog Toy

there are 2 sizes large and medium
we chose medium 

Yay! a new toy to play with !

I immediately said Give it to Me!!!

I really wanted to play with the ball
but it was a little big for my mouth

After playing with this toy for a few weeks
here are my thoughts

this Kong toy is well made 
and should be able to endure some tough play
I like to chew on the rope part
and it is fun when Mom gets down on the floor 
and we play with it together

We do wish that there was a smaller size for us little dogs,
 I would enjoy it so much more
 if I could get the ball in my mouth

So for that reason I will give this toy 
3 paws up

thank you Chewy for your great prices, 
great customer service, super fast shipping 
and for letting us try new stuff!

disclaimer - as part of the Chewy Blogger Review program we were provided with this great stuff  free of charge in exchange for our honest review

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Monday, June 22, 2015

Lasso the Moon

Miss Dory
I would lasso the moon for you 
if you wanted me to

And I would be pleased as punch
 if I could accompany you to the 
Blogville Rodeo Square Dance 
We can Do-se-Do and Promenade 
and maybe do a little Two-Step too!

Mr Bailey

And don't forget The Rodeo is coming!

All you youngun's and young at heart
if you want to do some

Get your pic to us at
pugranch2 AT msn DOT com
you can do your own or we can fix you up!
Warning - those sheep can be onery!
Deadline is July 1st!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Friday, June 19, 2015

Our Road Trip

On June 4th we hopped in the car and headed up north

Mom bought a "backseat extender" from Outward Hound  - which made the whole back seat area of the car flat
We had blankets and a couple of dog beds too

Are we there yet??
Sorry kids - it's a 500 mile drive 

Gosh - it's gonna take 87 hrs to get there!

Mom really dropped the ball
 and took NO pictures on the way to 
Orofino, ID

It is beautiful country!

After 10 long hours we arrived

We had a safe pen to spend time in 
cause the yard was not fenced
I was excited to meet Hazel's family

there was a nice covered porch too

All the visiting had us all tuckered out!

I was the only one awake! Sort of!

Then Graduation Night!
the reason for the trip

Grandson Jake with his Mom!
Our Jake is one special guy
He has a chromosome disorder that affects his
speech, and learning abilities
But on June 5th he graduated from High School

And younger brother Austin!
He hopes to become a computer programmer 
and will be attending
Lewis & Clark State College in the fall

we couldn't be prouder of both young men

Walking together to receive their diplomas

With proud Dad after the ceremony!

Getting food ready for the pawty on Saturday

And we met this guy


On Sunday we headed back home

Another 87 hour drive

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Bravo for Special Moments

Our good friend Oz is hosting a Bravo For Special Moments Photo Contest
 from now through Tuesday, June 23, 2015 on a secret page on his blog. 
It is a surprise for Bravo Pet Foods
  a blog hop Photo Contest that will be published on Thursday, June 25, 2015   
To learn more, CLICK HERE 

The Special Look of Love
by Mom

This photo was captured last August at the very last
obedience trial that Greta and I attended together

What a special moment to see the love & devotion 
in her eyes as she looked up at me
A few short weeks later she was gone.

Now I see love in a new set of eyes

My daughter captured this moment 
between me and Mabel
 while we were visiting earlier this month

While Greta's love for me burned with intensity

Mabel's love is like a big soft hug that surrounds my heart

Two very special moments for Mom 
with two very special girls

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel