Monday, March 31, 2014

Rays of Sunshine

Last week two of our friends passed
 the Sunshine Award on to us!

 we love Retro Rover -  their blog is a great mix of vintage (clothes, movies, pictures), dogs (she has 5, 3 of them pugs) and delicious recipes for peeps and pet friendly yummies too! If you have not met them
 head over and check them out

And our buddy Frank the Tank always makes us smile with his wonderful walkies through his beautiful countryside in Wales and his adventures with his best friend, Bionic Ernie. 

 We want to thank both of them for this honor and we really needed their Sunshine cause it looked like this when we got up Sunday morning!

 We are supposed to tell you 10 things about ourselves 
so here goes!

1. Bailey loves to watch TV, he knows which commercials have dogs or cats in them and will bark loudly at them. He likes action shows but does not like sports. Hazel & I don't care except if there are sirens, then Hazel will howl (sort of, more like a woo woo)

2. Hazel likes to tease company with a bone. She rarely chews on them but when company arrives the first thing she does is grab a bone and show it to them. But if they try to take it she backs off, her tail wagging like crazy. She will do this continually - here look at my bone, butt don't touch it!

3. When I, Greta, was just a puppy, mom would give me a chew bone at certain times to keep me occupied. It is now part of my everyday routine. I  demand expect my chew in the morning while Mom is fixing her hair and makeup and again in the evening about 8:30.

4. All three of us have passed the Canine Good Citizen Test and have the Rally Novice title. Bailey has his Beginner Novice Obedience title and Hazel has the Companion Dog obedience title

5. Hazel LOVES cherry tomatoes and dandelions. She will scour the yard popping the tops off the dandelions.

6. Bailey HATES fireworks. He will bark and bark and bark. 

7. Mom took ballroom dancing lessons when she was young and she and her partner won fifth place in the state of California for their age group. Ha! just threw that in there!

8. Hazel's best friend was a Scottish Deerhound named Piper. They met in puppy class, when they were both small. As Piper grew in to a HUGE doggy, their love for each other also grew. They would get so excited to see each other, Hazel would get up and wrap her paws around Piper's neck, and he would lay down so they could nuzzle each other. Sadly Piper went to the Rainbow Bridge 2 years ago.

9. When Hazel and I are outside we like to have stand offs. I will watch from afar if she is going potty, sometimes crouch down like a cat waiting to pounce.  Hazel will stare back at me for a minute then we race at each other. Sometime I don't wait for Hazel, I go for the surprise attack!

10. We love being part of blogville. You all bring sunshine to our lives just by being you and sharing your adventures with us. And we love sharing our lives with you.

We hope everyone will be seeing some sunshine soon!!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Two Surprises!

OMD We got two surprises this week from our friends

First they gave us this beautiful award

Thank you guys, the flowers look so beautiful 
and really brightened up our day!

Then on Wednesday we got a surprise envelope from

A while back, they asked for some good luck comments for their Mommy's niece who is in a play of Wizard of OZ

as a thank you they sent us these cool bandanas!!

 I was soo excited I wouldn't sit still 
so Dad had to hold me for a picture

Hazel & I got matching bandana's 
 with ruby slippers on them!

And Bailey got a blue bandana

Hazel is photo bombing my picture!!

that's better
Now - don't I look handsome?

Thank you Lassie & Benji !
You are so very thoughtful!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Monday, March 24, 2014

Dad's Helper

 You all know how much I like to help Dad 
do things around the house.
Mom bought new couch covers and I had to help Dad get them attached so they would stay on the couch

Here we are tucking the seam in

Dad needed some close supervision 
when he was attaching the strap

 And of course I had to give him 
some encouraging kisses

 You are doing a great job Dad!

 Being a supervisor is hard work

 Have you got it Dad? 

 I had to get in there show him 
how to get the last strap attached

 Our new couch cover!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wednesday Knickers!

said today is

 Show us your Knickers day


Don't tell Mom
I am showing you hers!


We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Monday, March 17, 2014

St Patrick's Day Date!

 Happy St. Patrick's Day Friends

It's Hazel here today 
and I am on top of the world

Last week I got a surprise invitation to be
 Sarges' date for St. Patrick's Day

How can a girl refuse a date 
with one of blogville's most eligible bachelors!

 Sarge told me we were going to a St Patrick's Day Parade
but what a surprise to find out we were 
in the parade!!

 I felt pretty special riding beside Sarge
in the Police Commissioners car

 and our day had just begun

 The weather was just right for kite flying

hardly a cloud in the sky

we went sniffing for four leaf clovers

you know they are supposed bring good luck 
but I already felt like the luckiest girl in blogville
getting to spend this day with Sarge

All that fresh air made us hungry and thirsty 
so we are off to the Irish pub for refreshments

I hope you will head over to Sarges'
to read more about our fun day together
I am having such a great time
I don't want the day to end!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Friday, March 14, 2014

Christmas Stockings !!!!

A package came for us in the mail Monday

I know you remember the great auction that was held for Tweedles
Mom won the bid for a custom made Christmas Stocking made by none other than
 WHN at

we couldn't have just one so Mom asked 
WHN to make a stocking for each of us
and they have our pictures on them!

First I have to show you mine

Isn't it the most beautiful stocking ever!

 Bailey's has green accent

Hazel's is red just like mine!

And look how BIG they are

A whole lot a treats and toys will fit in these stockings
Thank you WHN!
we love them! 

and don't forget tomorrow is
Ranger & Stuart's
Barkday celebration!

Hazel & I will be racing
vrrrooooom vrrroooooomm!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Monday, March 10, 2014

Chewy Goodness from Jones Chews

Last month we were lucky to win a giveaway from

We had our choice between
 a Bully Bone or Braided Stick

We chose the Braided Stick
O M D !

 Nom Nom Nom Nom!!

 Bailey & Hazel are used to me having
 my evening chew and they leave me alone

but Bailey was really sniffing out 
this new chewy treat

Back off boy! It is all mine!

 this has really got to be

Chewing heaven!

Thanks Miss Flea

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Friday, March 7, 2014

Spring was just Teasing

Just a week ago we told you about the 
red robins that were visiting our yard.
Well unfortunately it was just a tease cause
the very next day it looked like this

It started out as rain then turned to snow

butt a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do
 so I trudged out into the snow

Really Mom!
You are not gonna take my picture now

How embarrassing

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Monday, March 3, 2014

My Special Surprise for Mom

I have to show you the special surprise 
that I commissioned for Mom
as a birthday surprise from Me

 Mom and I both have February birthdays
and I wanted to do something very special
 to show Mom how much I appreciate 
all the love and patience 
she shows me everyday.

Just before my birthday we were visiting our friends at Sketches with Dogs
Lynne is such a talented lady, she not only creates 
the Mini Me's that you see all over blogville 
but she is also a talented artist. 
And she has passed that talent on 
to her son Lee

When I saw the beautiful portrait of Angel Bridget
 that Lee had done for his Mum
I remembered hearing Mom say that it is
  time to have something to remember 
our little Angel Olive

 I think I told you that
 I think Mom loves me extra hard
 because of Olive

So I asked Lee if he would do a portrait for my Mom

A portrait of Olive

Isn't it beautiful

I think Mom will love it

don't you?

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Greta