Thursday, October 31, 2019

No Tricks Just Treats for Shelters!

Happy Halloween!!

We are joining the 5th annual 
No Tricks Just Treats for Shelters Blog Hop
 hosted by

Earlier this year Mabel sorted through all the dog beds 
and donated nine beds to our local shelter 
in memory of our sweet Hazel.

Mabel and Mom also participated in 
the 22nd Annual Run With the Big Dogs
This is a big fundraiser for the shelter
I can't wait till I get to go next year!

Then just last Saturday me and Mom and Mabel 
went to the 2nd Annual East Idaho Pug-O-Ween.
We had fun with friends and raised some green papers 
for Pug Pals Rescue

Mom is holding Mabel 
and that is our friend Shannon holding me!

Be sure to visit Rosy, Arty and Jakey 
They are making donations to some wonderful rescue groups
 for each comment that is left on their blog 
yesterday and today

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Monday, October 21, 2019

Mabel's Fabulous Freezing Weekend

This weekend Mom & I went to a 
Teacup Dog Agility Association Agility Trial

TDAA trials are for dogs 20" and under. 
All the equipment is sized for smaller dogs. 

It was only 35 degrees when we got there 
and the skies were cloudy and dark
with rain/snow in the forecast

We set up underneath the metal shelter

This is our instructors canopy that we got to share
 and we brought our propane heater 
that really helped keep us warm

In TDAA you can earn titles in Standard courses and Games.
Standard courses are set up by experience level.
Games are fun challenging courses, everyone runs the same course but the beginner dogs get more time. 

Mom and I entered 3 Standard runs and 3 Games.
Our first run was a game called Helter Skelter
We qualifed!!!
Next was a Standard course, we qualified 
and that completed my Beginner Standard Title!!! 
We moved up to Intermediate Standard 
and of the two runs we got our first "Q" in Intermediate!!!
We finished the trial with a couple more Games. 
The first one I off coursed to a tunnel :-(

But the last run of the day we qualified in a tunnel game
 and that completed my Games 1 title!!!!!!

We survived the cold and windy weekend
and had a lot of fun!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wordless Wednesday

Reflection of a job well done

Thank you Wendee Monson for the great shot!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Monday, October 14, 2019

Hilda's New Life Goal

Saturday Mom & I went to Petco
to hang out with some friends

They were having an event called 
Meet a Helping Hero

My two furiends, Walt Disney and Jiminy Cricket 
are both certified Therapy Dogs. 

Walt & Cricket were there to help educate the public 
about the benefits of and what it takes 
to be a Therapy Dog

 I think it would be really cool to be a Therapy Dog! 

Mom says I am not old enough yet (you have to be at least 1 year) 
but she thinks I might have what it takes 
to help cheer up people who are sad or sick, 
or just need a furiend to love on. 

I will continue learning all I can 
and maybe someday I can be a Therapy Dog!!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Thankful Thursday

Hilda is thankful 
for a little sunshine to warm her belly

We are thankful for this silly girl!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Monday, October 7, 2019

Angel Greta's 7th Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Button Giveaway

Hi Friends - Angel Greta here!

In 2013 Mom & I had a special button giveaway for
 Breast Cancer Awareness Month

It was such a great success we wanted to do it again

Despite my unexpected departure for the Rainbow Bridge 
in 2014
we have continued our special giveaway
 because I let Mom know that I am always here 
- in her heart - 

and we would still do this together

You see my Mom is celebrating 8 years as a 
Breast Cancer Survivor

 I came into Mom's life just a few months 
after she completed her radiation treatments
 and I was an important part of her overall recovery. 

Now each October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
I always like to share 
my story of .....

How I Became Mom's "Pink" Dog
by Angel Greta

Mom has NEVER liked the coloPINK
her favorite colors are green and purple

 you may have noticed that I
wore a lot of PINK

Eight years ago something happened


After having her yearly check up
Mom was told she needed a biopsy

Two days before the start of
Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Mom was told she had breast cancer

Then not only did she not like PINK
Trying to come to terms with the Big C diagnoses
and PINK was in her face everywhere she went.

Surgery was scheduled and followed soon after
 by 6 weeks of radiation treatments

It was then that Mom began to realize
just how lucky she was

 She does her wellness check ups every year
 so her cancer was caught early

 She has a family that loves her and needs her
and she will be here for them

for a long time to come

  Mom realized that during
 Breast Cancer Awareness Month
she can let people know that
early detection saves lives 

so she decided
 to embrace the colo"PINK"

 and that, my friends

 is how I became Mom's "Pink" dog.

Dear Furiends!
Please make sure your loved ones educate themselves on the risks of breast cancer and the importance of mammograms if they are over 40, earlier if there is a history of breast cancer in the family.

Early detection can make such a difference!

In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month
we are once again having a little giveaway!
From the Café Press Shop of
we have
 Pug w/pink ribbon mini buttons  
(1” diameter) to send out to our friends

They look great on a blouse, lapel, or pinned on a hat (that’s where Mom’s human son wore his).

Maybe you want to show support for someone close to you that is battling this disease, honor a loved one or just want to help spread awareness.

Maybe your peep is a survivor like our Mom

Those if you that received a button in the past we hope you are wearing it proudly!

We have a limited number of buttons this year ( 3)

so if you would like a button

 send us an email with your snail mail addy to
pugranch2 AT msn DOT com

(buttons will be mailed on a first come basis)

Promoting Breast Cancer Awareness
 has truly become Angel Greta's legacy of love


Angel Greta & Mom

Wednesday, October 2, 2019