Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Wahoo Wednesday part 2

Here is the video of my second run in 
Novice Jumpers with Weaves

Our side transfers need more practice
but we got through the course with no mistakes!

We apologize for not being around too much lately
Something exciting is happening here at the PugRanch 
so we have been kinda busy.

Stay tuned for a big announcement soon!


Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day

The Price of Freedom

 As Americans we hold the right to free speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, the right to be represented in government, the right to keep and bear arms, 
and the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness above all else. 
The men and women who have fought and died in every war and conflict since we won our freedom, thought that the rights of others, the freedom of their children,
 and the right to choose their own fate, was far more important than their own lives.

 This is the price paid for your liberty, your freedom, and your way of life.

 Honor this gift because it is the Price of Freedom.

 On this Memorial Day
we honor all those
 (two and four legged)
that fought and gave their lives
 serving this country. 

The Idaho PugRanch

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Wahoo Wednesday!!

Friday, Saturday & Sunday I went to my very first
AKC Agility Trial!!

The weather was cold, blustery and rainy

We tried to keep warm and dry

Mom ran home and got my coat, 
covered me with my blanket 
and I managed to get a nap in 
while we were waiting our turn

Below is our first run in 
Novice Jumpers with Weaves class

It is a good thing the timer did not start 
until I crossed the first jump, 
it took me a minute to get my motor started!

A few crazies but good enough for a 91 score!!

my first qualify at my first agility trial!

l was tired and glad to be home where it was warm!

On Saturday I had a really good run with no mistakes!

We don't have that video yet and we will also be getting some photos from a photographer 

Sunday I had the zoomies 
and forgot how to do the weave poles
 but I had a good time!
To get 2 qualifies at my first trial made Mom really proud!


Friday, May 17, 2019

Nature Friday

 More from our trip to the mini BAR at Bryce Canyon!

On Sunday we hiked with Rosy, Jakey, Arty and peeps 
while the others went on a longer hike 

We went back to Red Canyon, 
their trails are very dog friendly

the rock formations, called "hoo doos" are so fascinating

Stopped for a photo, 
can you tell we are having a great time!

Everywhere you looked 

it was beautiful

Check out my Dad and Arty's Mom smelling this tree!
I thought they were being silly 
but apparently some of the trees 
smelled like vanilla or butterscotch
How strange!

It was a great morning hike 

Back at the wheelie house we had some lunch 
and Dad & I took a little nap
then we joined up again in the afternoon

We strolled by the souvenir shops 

and I hopped on this wooden horse
Giddee Up!!

Mom & Dad got their picture taken

Then me & Dad!! 
 Bwaa! haa! ahhaa!

Then we took a nice walk on a paved trail 
till we found this sign

Thank you Mom & Dad for bringing me to the mini BAR
We had so much fun and I loved meeting everybody 

and I especially loved spending time with my guy!


Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Wordless Wednesday

Nothing like a good windy storm 
to bring down the snow petals!


Monday, May 13, 2019

Hazel's Rock

We picked up Hazel's name rock last week

Saturday Mom & Dad did some clean up
 in the memorial garden

 and placed her rock with the others

Mom has been feeling pretty emotional 
Seeing Hazel's name in the garden 
has made it all too real. 

Mom also cleaned & dusted
 the special shelves in the bedroom.
Dad placed Hazel's collar 
and some dried flowers in with her 

Now one more pug angel watches over us


Friday, May 10, 2019

So Much Nature Friday!

OH MY Dog!!
We had the most bestest time at the 2019 Mini-Bar!

This was our first time visiting Bryce Canyon, Utah 
and to experience it with some of our blogger friends 
made it all the more special

Friday we hiked Red Canyon with
Lady & Man, 

and Murphy & Stanley and peeps

Taking a break

Can you see the picture that Lady has??

Flat Hailey and Zaphod went hiking with us!

Arty, Rosy & Jakey arrived Friday evening

I am so happy to see you in the furs Arty!

Bryce Canyon is stunning

Pictures don't do it justice

There were quite a few tourists from other countries
The lady on the left 
wanted to pose with me & Dad for a picture 

Posing with my sweetheart!

This lady photo bombed our group photo!!

You can see furever!!


Me & Mom & Dad

Murphy & Stanley's Mom, Hailey & Phod's Mom, My Mom. Arty, Rosy & Jakey's Mom

(Bryce Trail Six)

Saturday afternoon we hiked a different canyon

More beautiful sights!

I was very proud of Mom 
that she hiked on some of these trails 
(she is kinda of a wimp about heights ha ha)

My most handsome fella!

Picture with the Dads!

Arty & I found this cool rock house!!

We did more hiking on Sunday 
and I will share more pictures next week!
