Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Answer

Most of you were half right yesterday

Hilda is the pug in the last two pictures

But the first two pictures?

That was our Angel Greta! 

We want to say a big
Thank you!
to Ann at Zoolatry

for our new header and footer!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Monday, July 29, 2019

Garfield and Who?

A Monday quiz for you today

One Garfield bed

Two different pugs

Can you guess 

Who is who??

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Vet Wednesday with Hilda

Last week I went to the dogtor to get my last puppy shot

I sat nicely in the waiting area

I asked Mom if we could go home now 
but she said not till we see the dogtor

This is April, my favorite office lady
She held me and carried me around while we waited

And this is Dr. Gertsner

She likes me too and I forgave her for giving me a shot cause she had some good treats.

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Monday, July 22, 2019

CGCA Graduation

Last week was our 
Canine Good Citizen Advanced graduation pawty!

We started with a walk 

Of course we had to pose for a picture

Our instructor told us how good we did 
and how proud she was of us

This cool rock at the High School was a pawfect place
to pose with our diplomas

We got individual photos too!

Then we went back to the classroom and played games

Check it out!
We did sit stays while our peeps did down stays! 

Then the mom's held a spoon with peanut butter on it in their mouths.The first one to lick all the peanut butter off the spoon won. That was me!!

Mom straightening our stack

Then we played milk bone jenga
We had to watch our mom's stack the milk bones.

My furiend Touche' had the tallest stack
then we got to eat some!

We sure enjoyed this class!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Friday, July 19, 2019

Nature Friday and Coffee Time

Last Sunday we both got to go with Mom 
to Coffee time at her friends house

This is one of our hosts, Cricket.
Cricket is a therapy dog and visits the hospital

Thanks for bringing us Mom!

Mabel was happy she got to come too

Once again I found some new laps to sit in

Mom says I am very social

Mabel & I played with a ball while the peeps visited

But the best part was exploring the beautiful yard

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Monday, July 15, 2019

Hello Lowe's!!

Last Monday my CGCA class spent an hour at Lowe's

It was our final exam for our
Canine Good Citizen Advanced title

We started in the garden area and we pushed carts around

then we did figure eights around the yellow poles
 and the doors opened and closed!

Checked out some patio furniture

We did sit stays in the tool department
and recalls down one of the aisle's

Can we have a ride??

Then we had our mom's get in the cart!  BOL!!

We practiced waiting to go through doors

Mom does this stain look good with my furs??

Walking through the big plastic hanging down thingies

Several of the Lowe's employees gave us pets
 and this nice lady had treats!!

We "nailed it"!

Thanks Lowe's for letting us invade your store!

Today is our graduation pawty!!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Wahoo Wednesday - Hilda!

Look at me!

I passed the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Test

And graduated from Puppy Kindergarten!

Wahoo for me!!!!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Monday, July 8, 2019

Another Walk in "Old Town"

Last week for CGCA class we took another walk in 
"Old Town" Pocatello 
and visited a dog friendly coffee shop! 

Mom did not even know this place was here

We went inside 
and showed that we can sit quietly at a table

The owner gave us each a biscuit
 and posed for a picture with us

We then did some more walking

and found some graffiti to pose in front of

We also found this cool picnic area
 where we practiced our recalls 
and got our picture taken 
with our pawsome instructor Teressa

Today we are going to Lowes!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda