Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Another Wahoo Wednesday!!

Hilda here again 
with more exciting news to share!!

We got the official news on Monday


I passed the Agility Course Test One!!

Once again AKC allowed beginner dogs 
to submit videos for judging

The Agility Course Test is for very beginner dogs
 to show they can follow a course and do obstacles. 

You must get two scores of at least 85 
and complete each course in 60 seconds

Here is our first run!

Score - 100 
time 33.29 sec

Then we did the course in the opposite direction

Score - 100
time 25.12 sec

I am now officially

Hilda Heaven Sent RN CGCA ACT1 TKN

Mom got me my very own ribbon board!

I am off to a great start filling my board


I have a ways to go to catch up to Mabel!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Wahoo Wednesday!!

Well my furiends
I know you all wanted to hear my exciting news

Like most everything, that nasty Covid-19 thing has been canceling dog sports all over the country. 
AKC decided to let dogs at the Rally Novice level 
work towards their title virtually! 

We were given a choice of 5 courses to set up and video.
 3 qualifying scores on 3 different courses 
and I could earn my Rally Novice Title!

Mom got busy making rally signs 
and Dad got busy making sign holders

We submitted our videos and guess what?

I completed my Rally Novice Title!!!!

We are going to show you 2 of our entries
 that we filmed in our "Big Yard"

This is the map for course #1

Video is below

Score - 96 out of 100 possible points

Next we did course #4

Here is the video

Another great score 91!!

We filmed our 3rd entry at a park
a few more distractions and Mom almost tripped over me but we scored an 85 (you need 70 to qualify)
 and finished the title.

Mom was so proud of me 
she ordered me a special one of a kind Title ribbon.

I will have more exciting news coming soon!! 

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda