Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Another Wahoo Wednesday!!

Hilda here again 
with more exciting news to share!!

We got the official news on Monday


I passed the Agility Course Test One!!

Once again AKC allowed beginner dogs 
to submit videos for judging

The Agility Course Test is for very beginner dogs
 to show they can follow a course and do obstacles. 

You must get two scores of at least 85 
and complete each course in 60 seconds

Here is our first run!

Score - 100 
time 33.29 sec

Then we did the course in the opposite direction

Score - 100
time 25.12 sec

I am now officially

Hilda Heaven Sent RN CGCA ACT1 TKN

Mom got me my very own ribbon board!

I am off to a great start filling my board


I have a ways to go to catch up to Mabel!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda


  1. oooh how great!!!! we are so happy for youuuu!!! and how you mastered that tunnel!!! fantabulous... congrats Hilda!!!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Happy Hilda! Hooray for Hilda!

  3. Awesome job, Hilda! We loved watching you and your mom work together! Mabel is older than you are. No worries. You will catch up to her, no sweat!

  4. Hari OM
    OMD you are BRILLIANT!!! Your ribbon board will soon be covered too, I just know it. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Hilda my little huggy puggy I had no idea you could climb such a high peak...WOW
    x 87 claps and cheers. Well done. Does your tummy get butterflies when you come down the other side? I think you mom needs a blue ribbon to for taking you thru the course.
    Hugs cecilia

  6. Congrats! You sure did a great job going through that course.

  7. Hooray! Looks like you're having a lot of fun too!

  8. Wahoo!!!! We loved watching you zoom through the course Hilda!!!

  9. Oh Hilda Heaven Sent!!! Congratulations on your accomplishment. We so enjoy these videos!!! Keep 'em coming.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. I really love the fun videos! You make it all look so easy, and I know that it really is not! CONGRATS on this, and I know that in no time, that board will be filled with lots of ribbons!!

  11. You are a true champion. We tip our tails to our hero.

  12. Congratulations to you Hilda!! It was just so great to see you in the videos. You did a pawsome job. We are so happy for you. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
    World of Animals

  13. Outstanding job, Hilda! You'll have that board filled up in no time you keep this up. 🏆

  14. You're born to run (Agility), Hilda! I'm super proud of you, and would love to do more of that myself! XOX Xena

  15. WOW, very impressive for both of you!

  16. Lulu: "Congratulations, Hilda! And wow! You two together have got more ribbons than a ribbon shop!"

  17. We love love, love the videos! Hilda,, you and your mom make us smile!!!
    You are a super star!
    angel tweedles

  18. WoooooHooooo!!! CONGRATS MY FURIEND!!! you are a superstar!
    Ruby ♥

  19. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! That is PAWESOME! We have never seen a pug do agility before, which is clearly silly because you rocked it, friend!

  20. pawsome news passing that test! you deserve lots of treats!

  21. Helloooo ~ Just to let you know Lee had on her Greta Pin when she had her mammogram done last Monday. Yep three days before October Awareness but it's done for another year.
    Your Friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  22. Wow! Great job! You are following in some mighty big paw prints.

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  24. Your Christmas Card arrived in our box today. Snail mail by the postage date. Well at least better than Fedex who leave boxes in a ditch. I think Wills Christmas box was one of the many Chewy boxes in the ditch. Thank you for the card and a Very Merry Christmas to all at the Idaho Pug Ranch.
    Thank You For Being A Friend
    Sweet William The Scot
