It's time again for

Hosted by Murphy & Stanley
When you left me last month
I was disappointed
at finding vinyl siding in the box
Well what I am going to tell you now is a
re-enactment of what happened next
It is a true story
Mom & Dad had siding left over after
putting it around the front door
They decided to put the rest on part of the garage
and that part is inside our yard
This is Dad's box of screws
Those two red thingies are ear plugs
Mom & Dad were busy putting the siding on
when Mom noticed that I was
chewing on something
She looked down and saw
Only ONE Ear Plug!
She gave me that
and GULP!
I can't believe I ate . . .
an ear plug!
and Mom couldn't believe it took
four days for it to pass
Butt all's well that ends well
And you will forgive me for not
re-enacting that part of the story
We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Greta