We have some more thank you's
We received cards from
Dory and her brothers and Mom,
the Slimmer Pugs
and a card from NuVet Labs
Greta had been taking one their supplements
and I had to call to cancel the autoship
How thoughtful of them to send a card
Thank you all for thinking of us
A sweet book came from Daisy the Scottie
for Angel Greta
Greta had participated in Daisy's digging contest
during Safety Week
Thank you Daisy
And from our very special Tweedles
some cards and a precious night light
Thank you Tweedles and Moms
the soft glow warms our hearts
to Angus McConnell - run with joy,
Angel Greta will be right there with you
Now don't forget - Oct 4th is
National Taco Day and
we are going to honor our friend Jazzi

eat some tacos and share your favorite memory
of Angel Jazzi
Have you all been following the Mystery Kiss??
Visit Murphy and Stanley
To visit Dory & Gang Click HERE!
and visit Taffy to see what is going on
We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Angel Greta