Friday, September 30, 2016

It's our Blogiversary!

4 years! 
We have been blogging for 4 years!!

Thank you all for being our friends!
We love you!

Please visit us Monday for our 
4th Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Button Giveaway!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Debate Tuesday - Arty's Questions

This week on Debate Tuesday the 
Candy Dates will answer Arty's questions


to see what they have to say!

Next week the debate will feature 
the Candy Dates for Vice Mayor
that's Me and Oreo!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Monday, September 26, 2016

September Chewy Review

It is that time of the month to tell you about our delivery from our friends at Chewy

This month we picked out

Wellness Complete Health
 Poultry Lovers Variety Pack Canned Dog Food

OMD! Chewy sent us not one but 18 cans of food 
 6 of each flavor
Chicken & Sweet Potato
Turkey & Sweet Potato
Duck & Sweet Potato

Wellness Complete Health Poultry Lovers Variety Pack Canned Dog Food brings together your dog’s favorite feathered flavors, with 18 12.5-oz cans of these pup pleasers: Chicken & Sweet Potato (6), Turkey & Sweet Potato (6), and Duck & Sweet Potato (6). These recipes are all natural and protein-rich, featuring carefully chosen ingredients to optimize a healthy balance and well-being, plus whole-body nutritional support. And they’re packed with incredible flavors dogs totally dig.
Key Benefits
  • 18-can variety pack featuring three poultry-focused recipes
  • Made with real chicken, turkey, duck and sweet potato
  • All-natural and protein-rich formulas
  • Supports whole-body nutrition
  • Complete & balanced for everyday feeding

Mom would have preferred it to be chunky
 but we did not care - it smelled really good

Hazel takes a liquid medicine twice a a day and adding it to a scoop of soft food makes it easy to give it to her. 
And to be fair - all three of us get some bites

You can see that Hazel is licking her chops 
while Bailey gives it a taste

Hazel would like some more mom!

I thought it smelled so good I went a little crazy

I jumped right up to get my bite!

The next morning I wanted some of this Wellness food so bad that I forgot my manners and tried to grab Bailey & Hazel's bites. So I guess you could say I really like it

thank you Chewy for sending us this food that is not only yummy but good for us too!

Our friends at Chewy have the best prices, super fast shipping and pawsome customer service!

disclaimer: We were not compensated for this review. As a #chewyinfluencer we were sent a box of Wellness canned dog food in exchange for our honest review

We are the PugRanch KIds
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Friday, September 23, 2016

Flashback Friday

I love my sister Hazel

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Another Ribbon!

 Dad drove me & Mom down to Utah on Saturday 
for another Obedience Trial
Mom had great intentions of taking the camera but we had to leave at 5:30 am and she forgot to grab it

So you have to settle for pictures after we got back home

I got mom a little worried when we got to the site.
The grass was very wet 
and there was no way I wanted to sit in that wet grass.

But when it was my turn to go in the ring I did just fine
190 pts and second place in Beginner Novice Obedience!

We had to get on our way back home to Bailey & Hazel 

but we stopped at a PetsMart 
and I got to pick out any toy I wanted!

I really liked this beaver guy - 
he has a cool tail to grab on to

Come on Beaver!
Let's play!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

It's Debate Tuesday!

Today the Candy Dates will answer questions 
posed by Candy Date Christmas


for this weeks debate questions and answers

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Monday, September 19, 2016

The PugRanch Pirate Tavern

Ahoy there Mateys! 
It is Talk Like a Pirate Day!
hosted by 

In honor of this 
we are re-opening The PugRanch Tavern
originally posted on July 1, 2014


The PugRanch Tavern is Open!

To enter 
knock three times 
whisper the secret password
(Power of the Paw)


Ahoy Mateys ! 

Come In - Come In!

Welcome to our humble establishment 
 and pray tell us

What's yur pleasure ???

We have the finest whiskeys & rums
aged to perfection

 set yourselves and let us
pour you a pint

as we await the arrival of 
Frankie Furter
 the Pirate King of Blogville

Oh doggie, look at those naughty lassies
Greta and Maggie Mae

they challenged the Weim Brothers to a drinking contest

Well blimey 
 you can see how that turned out!

It's almost time!! 
the excitement is building!

Gather ye round -

 Lily !  -  bring more rum !
while Stanley leads us in song

♫♫ Come all ye young doggies that follow the sea, ♫
to my way haye, blow the dog down,
♫ ♫ And pray pay attention and listen to me, ♫♫
Give me some time to blow the dog down.
♫ I'm a deep water sailor just in from Hong Kong, ♫
to my way haye, blow the dog down, 
if you'll give me some grog, I'll sing you a song,
♫ ♫ Give me some time to blow the dog down. ♫ ♫

♫ ♫ ♫
♫ 99 bottles of Rum on the wall ♫
 ♫ 99 bottles of Rum ♫
♫ We'll take one down ♫
♫ and pass it round
♫ then thar's 98 bottles of Rum on the wall ♫
♫ ♫ ♫

Come all ye pirates and lassies
Fill yur glasses and raise them high 
Frankie Furter 
the Pirate King of Blogville!

There are good ships, and there are wood ships, 
The ships that sail the sea. 
But the best ships, are friendships, 
And may they always be.

A toast! A toast!
To all of Blogville a toast!

I wish you health, I wish you well, 
and happiness galore.
I wish you luck for you and friends; 
what could I wish you more?
May your joys be as deep as the oceans,
 your troubles as light as its foam.
And may you find, sweet peace of mind, 
where ever you may roam.


We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel, Mabel
with special appearances by Angel Greta, Angel Goose, Angel Shilo and Angel Dietzman

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Treats for Lexi

Today we want to join our friends 
in remembering and honoring LEXI

We met Lexi when she launched her campaign
 for Mayor of Blogville and we quickly learned 
she was a very talented and loving girl. 
Sadly she had to leave for the Rainbow Bridge.

Her wonderful boyfriend Noodle is hosting

We pugs love just about any treats
but one of our favorites is yogurt

Sometimes when the peeps are having ice cream
we get to have bites of yogurt

Hazel is usually very dainty taking her bite

Can you tell that Bailey is excited for his ?

Mabel doesn't wait for the spoon to come to her

mmmmmm yummy!
 Can we have more??

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Friday, September 16, 2016

Doing Chores

We like to help Mom with some of the chores
especially in the kitchen

It was Bailey's turn to do the pre-wash

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Campaign Tuesday

On this Campaign Tuesday
is out meeting and greeting in his neighborhood
 and he even met a very nice kitty!

Next week Debate Tuesdays will resume with 
Candy Date Arty and Candy Date Christmas

The first two weeks
 the Candy Dates will be asking the questions
After that they will be taking your questions

So start thinking ....

and feel free to ask any questions you may have

or maybe you have a question for me

 Vice Mayor Candy Date Mabel!

We hope to see you then!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Monday, September 12, 2016

Hobby Lobby Score!!!

A brand new Hobby Lobby Store 
opened last weekend in our town

Mom and Dad went to check it out 
armed with a 40% off one regular price item coupon

After walking all around the HUGE store
look what Mom found in the Christmas Decorations

Isn't she just the cutest!

she was already on sale at 40% off 
and they did not find anything else to buy 
so they got in line at the check out

While waiting in line 
Mom just happened to look to her right 
who did she see??

from the movie The Secret Life of Pets!!!!
He was not on sale so Mom got to use her 40% off coupon and Mel came home with them too!

Pug Score at the Hobby Lobby!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Friday, September 9, 2016

Dear Greta

 Has it really been two years since that day my heart broke in a million pieces?  
You fought so hard to stay with us 
but the toxins from that nasty mushroom you ate 3 days earlier won the fight. 
Cause of death - acute fulminating liver toxicosis
at the tender age of 2 1/2.  

Sadness took over my world. Even with the arrival of  Mabel a few months later - 
the sadness stayed - life goes on - but the sadness was always there, 
just underneath the surface.
I did not really talk about it - it was just the way it was. It seemed I needed to get past the first anniversary of your leaving to start to let the sadness go.

I still tear up when I think of you, I always will - we loved each other so. You were such a handfull but you taught me so much about patience and perseverance in your short time with us - and I am a better pet parent because of you.

 Your leaving left such a huge hole and although I knew that a new pup would help heal my heart - I was scared. Scared the pup would not take to training in obedience, what if  the pup was as naughty as you - oh dear God! - what if the pup did not love me like you did - and the worst worry - what if I could not love a new pup because she wasn't you.

My Dear Greta - you showed us the way - we had looked at some puppies online but none felt right.  Then I saw a picture of Mabel's mom and in her eyes I saw you. There were two girls - one smaller and darker - like you. And when a picture came with a comment - "she was the most stubborn for pictures"  - it was like you were speaking to my heart - "she's the one" you said.

  And now when I look in Mabel's eyes  - I not only see Mabel's love - I also see you.  It is like your spirit shines through her and you are one.   Am I crazy to think that??

Mabel is so smart and full of personality - just like you were. She runs like the wind - just like you did. Oh Greta forgive me but thank goodness she is not as intense and naughty as you were - although she has her moments. No -  Mabel is not you - but I love her just as much - thank you for guiding us to her and for showing me through Mabel that you are forever with us. Forever in my heart. 

For those of you who may be newer friends
 I would love it if you would read the tribute to my special girl

And if any are interested this link takes you to an imformative article about the effects of Toxic Mushrooms  

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel