Thursday, November 17, 2016

25 Days of Holiday Fun!

Mr Bailey here today

You know the holiday season is almost upon us!

 Miss Dory and I 
along with
Easy and his gal Hailey

are hosting

December 1st thru December 25th

Here's How it Works: 

1-Pick a Date Find a date that works for you. We would like to fill all the days first but, not to worry, we hope to end up with more than one post a day!! So pick a date, click on the link above to visit the Holiday fun page and leave a comment  so we can get YOU on the Calendar!! 

2-Write a Holiday post - What is your favorite holiday tradition?? Do you have a favorite cookie recipe you would like to share? Do you have some fun holiday card "out-takes"?? I know we do! Share them!!

3-Join the Hop - Link up to the Blog Hop so everyone can hop around to see your favorite things to do around the Holidays! 

We got the list started - now lets fill those days with Holiday Fun!

December 1 - Dory
December 2 - 
December 3 - 
December 4 - 
December 5 - 
December 6 - 
December 7 - 
December 8 - Hailey
December 9 - 
December 10 - 
December 11 - 
December 12 - Mr. Bailey
December 13 - 
December 14 - 
December 15 - 
December 16 - 
December 17 - Easy
December 18 - 
December 19 - 
December 20 - 
December 21 - 
December 22 - 
December 23 - 
December 24 - 
December 25 -  

And don't forget next Thursday November 24th is 

Your chance to say why you are thankful for Blogville!

We are The PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel


  1. Gosh, look at ALL those entries already!!!
    This is a GREAT event!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. What a pawsome idea. I am so looking forward to my first Christmas- nose licks and love from Moth xx

  3. Slots are filling up fast,Mr. Bailey! Your handsome face and pugly physique has them heading to the sign up page!!
    Smiley Winks!

  4. Looks like fun! We'll be sure to think up a good story!

  5. Cricket says she is looking forward to her first Christmas in Blogville!
    Elliot and Cricket x

  6. Hari OM
    I think there are going to have to be double ups if the dates keep filling up they way they are today!!! HUgs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Oh my! I cannot believe all the holidays are upon us already. I need to get busy!!!!

  8. This is such a great idea. We need to check out schedule

  9. I am signed up for 12/ share a Christmas memory.
    What a fun fun idea
    Hugs madi your bfff

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Oops I left a comment on Dory too - LOVE to join and post on 12/10. Golden Woofs, SUGAR

  12. Lots of fun stuffs is happening!

  13. I will try to think of something so that I can join in the fun! ☺

  14. We don'y have any howliday traditions. Is that pretty pathetic??

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. Crikey ...... I hope my Secretary is up for this!!
