Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Birthday Wishes!

We also want to give a big Birthday Shout Out to
Frankie Furter!!!
We miss you guys and hope all is well!

We are The PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

May #ChewyInfluencer Book Review

This month we were lucky to receive
two items from Chewy for review

Our second item is a book titled
PUGS for Dummies

Mom was very interested to check this book out

In the past she has purchased several books claiming to be about pugs
In reality  - the first chapter or so may talk about the pug breed but the rest of the book was general dog information 
- good information yes - 
but the book claimed to be about pugs

Pugs for Dummies is different
The author definitely knows about pugs.
Mom was very impressed 
with how ALL the information was presented.
 While much of the book could be applied to any dog, each section also dealt with the unique traits and needs of the pug breed

Here is the description on

Get a crash course on the endearing and loyal Pug with the Wiley Pugs For Dummies. Currently ranked as the 15th most popular breed in the country, the pug’s roly-poly shape, googly eyes and adorable wrinkles often cause many people to fall in love at first sight—and this book details just what it takes to be a successful owner. Perfect for anyone who is thinking about getting a Pug or who already lives with one, it answers all of your questions in an easy-to-read manner.In this book, you’ll learn everything you need to know, starting with understanding the breed, how to prepare your home before his arrival, how to raise a well-behaved Pug through house training, crate training and basic commands, how to handle the behavior issues that do arise, what to feed him, how to exercise him and more. Using fun, knowledgeable language, this book covers it all and then some with clear explanations, detailed illustrations and a list of resources for all that “extra stuff.”

Thank you Miss Natalie and Chewy
 for sending us a copy of Pugs For Dummies
We found it very informative and would be a good book to recommend to any one considering having a pug join their household

Visit for a great selection of pet supplies, pawsome prices, fast shipping 
and customer service that can't be beat!

disclaimer: we were sent one copy of Pugs for Dummies free of charge in exchange for our honest review

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day

The Price of Freedom

 As Americans we hold the right to free speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, the right to be represented in government, the right to keep and bear arms, 
and the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness above all else. 
The men and women who have fought and died in every war and conflict since we won our freedom, thought that the rights of others, the freedom of their children,
 and the right to choose their own fate, was far more important than their own lives.

 This is the price paid for your liberty, your freedom, and your way of life.

 Honor this gift because it is the Price of Freedom.

On this Memorial Day
we honor all those
 (two and four legged)
that fought and gave their lives
 serving this country. 

We are the PugRanch Kids

Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Stories I Love - Blogville Arts & Entertainment Challenge

Hi Furiends!
It's Hazel here today 

I am sitting in front of Mom's bookcase
 and you can see she likes books

We were to choose a favorite story 
that included a living non-human character

Our Honorable Mention is 
 WATCHERS by Dean Koontz. 
It is the first of his books that mom read many years ago
 and it was about a very smart golden retriever
 It is one of her all time favorites 

The story we are featuring is 

Lessons from a Freethinking Dog

–  a true story about a lab-mix named Merle and the free life he lived. Some may consider the book controversial as the majority of us would not give our dogs the freedom that this dog was given by his human companion.  But it is a wonderful story about a special dog. Touching, sad and humorous – you will fall in love with Merle.  It is the kind of book you will want to read more than once.

 Here is a little more about

Merle's Door: Lessons from a Freethinking Dog by Ted Kerasote

This national bestseller explores the relationship between humans and dogs. How would dogs live if they were free? Would they stay with their human friends? Merle and Ted found each other in the Utah desert— Merle was living wild and Ted was looking for a pup to keep him company. As their bond grew, Ted taught Merle how to live around wildlife, and Merle taught Ted about the benefits of letting a dog make his own decisions. Using the latest in wolf research and exploring issues of animal consciousness and leadership and the origins of the human-dog relationship, Ted Kerasote takes us on the journey he and Merle shared. As much a love story as a story of independence and partnership, Merle’s Door is tender, funny, and ultimately illuminating.

Click to transport over to
and read our entry and all the others!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Monday, May 22, 2017

I'm In Advertising

Last summer a new vet joined the clinic that we go to 
and she is trained in Veterinary Acupuncture

I decided to get some treatments
 for a problem I was having. 
Dogtor Shelley said I was a great patient
 and asked if she could take my picture 
to put in a brochure she was working on

A few months later Mom brought home the brochure 
and there I was!

If you look close you can see the needles
 sticking out of my back near my tail

I did not mind the treatments, 
mostly because I got to lick a frozen jar 
of chicken baby food the whole time!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Friday, May 19, 2017

It's Flower Friday with Angel Dory

We are joining Angel Dory for Flower Friday!

We had a couple of days of strong winds last week
The wind blew all the beautiful petals off our tree

Then the wind blew all the petal stems off the tree
 and all over the deck and yard

But despite some more winter like weather

 we do have some flowers at the PugRanch

some of the ground cover is blooming

We seem to have an explosion of purple flowers

Even in the memorial garden we have blooms

Do see all the buds on this plant??
Soon it will be covered with not purple
but pink flowers!!!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

May #ChewyInfluencer Review #1

Image result for chewy
Mom is always looking for healthy training treats for me
We prefer soft treats, they are easier for me to eat quickly during training sessions

That is why this month for our Chewy Review we chose

Earthborn Holistic EarthBites Cheese Flavor 

Natural Moist Treats For Dogs

Key Benefits

  • Contains real cheese, molasses, honey & maple syrup
  • Antioxidant-rich (Vitamin E and C) plus vegetables & fruits in every bite
  • Made without grain or gluten
  • Works as an excellent training aid
  • Peas, apples, blueberries, carrots & spinach in every bite!

They look like little sausages and yes, 
Mom breaks them into smaller pieces
and she really likes that they do not crumble

 Don't worry about me not getting enough treats
I go to classes on Monday evenings
right now a 45 minute Obedience & Rally Class
 a 15 minute break
then 1 1/2 hours of Beginning Agility Class
That equates to a lot of treats!

When mom opened the bag,
 I was interested but did not go jumping crazy 
as I sometimes do

Although you can see in this video 
that they held my attention.

Mom wasn't sure if they would be something to get again until we were at class last night
During our break she was breaking some up into smaller pieces  - loading her pockets and I was literally drooling on her pants leg watching her!

Once again Mom likes that they don't crumble when she breaks them up
There are several other flavors to try
you can check them out at 

disclaimer: We were provided one bag of Earthborn Holistic treats free of charge in exchange for our honest review

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Monday, May 15, 2017

BOBS helps Dogs! (and cats too!)

Mom really likes Skechers shoes and slippers

A few weeks ago she found these Skechers BOBS 
on a clearance table

Do you see there is a dog on the box?

And look! it says
and cats too

There was a flyer inside 
BOBS from Skechers
 has partnered with Best Friends Animal Society 
to help save the lives of dogs and cats 
in shelters across the country. 
When you purchase BOBS, 
Skechers will make a donation to support 
Best Friends' many lifesaving initiatives 
that reduce the number of companion animals entering shelters
 and increase the number who get adopted

You can read more about their partnership at

Mom really likes BOBS cause they are comfy like a slipper and have nice thick soles. They are pawfect for slipping on when she goes out with us and does not have to worry if it is wet or maybe some snow on the ground.

And she likes them even more 
now that she knows they support
Best Friends Animal Society

Best Friends operates Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, 
the nations largest no-kill sanctuary for companion animals,
 located in southern Utah

Thank you BOBS from Skechers

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Friday, May 12, 2017

Thursday, May 11, 2017

May Arts & Entertainment Challenge

Are you familiar with 
headed by our wonderful Director Louis ?

Louis: Blogville Director of Arts & Entertainment

Each month Director Louis presents us with a challenge 

so far we have had


We have a new challenge this month
 and we really hope you will participate

This is the May challenge:
Stories we Love

In this challenge we share stories we love.

What you Do:

1. Choose a story you love. The only criteria fur a story is that it must include an animal, bird, fish, reptile or other non-human living being. The non-human need not be the main character.

2. Your story can be a poem, book, folk tale, movie, song or anything else that could be considered to be a story. It could be a story you have made up or one that you heard around a campfire. The wide-open choice is yours.

3. Write some words about the story and why you like it.

4. Include two photos: one of yourself and one that somehow relates too the story you have chosen.

The photo depicting the story can be the book cover, film poster, a picture of something like what is in the story, an author, or anything else that relates. Please send photos in jpeg format. Louis has troubles with anything else.

5. Include the URL to your blog site as well as the name of your blog so Louis can link your submission to your site.

6. Send your entries to Louis at louisbloggingdog(at)gmail(dot)com.

7. Dead Lion fur entries is May 20, 2017. They will be published on the Blogville Arts and Entertainment website on May 25th.

Everybuddy who enters will receive a cool badge.

If you like, feel free to use this picture:

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Wordless Wednesday

Beginning Agility Training!

We are The PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Monday, May 8, 2017

Does Your Pharmacy Compound??

We have two senior pugs in our house

Mr. Bailey is 14 and Hazel is 12

They both get arthritis supplements, 
Bailey takes Deramaxx 
and both of them get Gabapentin for pain

Meal time can be quite the process 

Dinner time looks like this

One cup of yummy food topper, scoops of powdered enzymes for inflamation, liquid glucosamine, one Deramaxx pill, one scoop of skin supplement for Mabel 
and liquid gabapentin 

Because we are small dogs, 
the only way to get a small enough dose of the gabapentin 
has been a liquid that has to be refrigerated. 
Before measuring doses
 it must be shaken thoroughly for several minutes.
It is sticky and messy and tastes nasty. 

Then we found
Shaver Pharmacy and Compounding Center
they not only do people prescriptions 
they also do pet medications

Our vet called them 
with Bailey & Hazel's prescriptions for the Gabapentin. 
Hazel gets a smaller dose than Bailey

Two days later we picked up 
two bags of beef flavored chews.

Each chew containing the proper dose of Gabapentin, 
enough for two months

Not only does this make meal time easier, 
but Mom feels more confident 
that we are getting the right dose every time.  
 The increase in cost was minimal over the cost of the liquid which is more expensive than powder capsules. 

Could something like this be helpful to you?
Maybe you have a compounding pharmacy in your area!

We are The PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel