Friday, December 28, 2018

Nature Friday and Christmas Gifts!

Today we are joining in Nature Friday 
showing off our Christmas gifts from our fellas!

It has been a snowy few days

It snowed all day Christmas. 
 It was not windy so it was pretty to see it steadily falling

We had a break on Wednesday
Then yesterday it once again snowed lightly all day

Even the snowman says

Enough is enough! 

Hazel & I had a wonderful Christmas
Our special fellas sent us some pawsome gifts

Oreo sent Hazel some fun toys and a bag of treats
She especially loves the super soft blankie
Thank you so much Oreo!!! 

I was really excited for Dad to open my present from Arty

I see something purple inside!!!
Arty knows purple is my color


I gave him a proper welcome to the PugRanch

Santa brought me a camping bandana.

This bandana is very special.

Arty got one too and we are going to wear them 
when we see each other in the furs 
at the MINI-BAR at Bryce canyon in May! 

Thank you Arty!!
I love my pressies!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Hazel & Mabel


  1. oh that poor snow man covered in snow... that is sure uncomfy ;O))) but a purple rhino rocks!!! it related with that purple people eater thingy from that song?

  2. Both of you girls got awesome Christmas gifts! Shake that rhino, Mabel! We loved your video! We're getting boring rain today. I wish it could be snow!

  3. Oh my huggy puggies that snow loooooooks very cold. Thank goodness Hazel got that lovely blankie from Oreo. And Mabel you purrfectly PURPLE rhino is adorable and you and Arty have matching bandannas.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. We didn't know you were going to Bryce! We aren't but our peeps are. Lady is excited to meet you!

  5. Hari OM
    Golly, but you did get a lot of snow! Those boyz know how to spoil their galz... and I'z a bit jelly green that I can't get to the mini-bar...sigh... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. That is some beautimous snow you gots Mabel...but not as beautimous as you! I am soooo glad you like your Rhino, you are a really fierce squeaker!! I can't wait to be able to run and play together(in our matchy bandanas) in May!!
    Love and Smoochies,

  7. Wow, I hope you like to romp in the snow. That looks like the perfect amount. You were given lots of great stuff, and I know you gave great presents too.

  8. What great pressies you both got. Could you please send that snow to us? We've had warm temps and rain and the yard is a muddy mess.

  9. We don't have ANY snow here. Mom is glad in some ways that it got cold today because it made all the mud get frozen again. But she doesn't really like the cold.

    You got some great pressies. We bet Hazel is going to love that blanket. And your rhino is going to be a very special companion since it came from Arty:) We read about the twinsie bandanas. Wish we could meet up with you at the Mini-Bar.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. Wow! What great presents! I started barking when I heard that squeaky toy!

  11. Your fresh snow photos are beautiful. I think we received 3 flakes. No, not 3 inches, 3 flakes. 😬Stay warm, it's very cold this weekend.

  12. That was quite a welcome for the purple Rhino. Wonderful gifts! We love your snow, too. It's HOT here.

  13. They are grrreat presents and I bet you can't wait for May!
    Toodle pip!

  14. What a wonderful Christmas with amazing pressies from your guys!!

  15. Looks like some pawesome presents there :) Milo,Jet & Arli

  16. You gave that purple rhino a proper introduction to the pug ranch, Mabel. You must be very excited about going to see your guy Arty in the furs.
    Lucy and Xena

  17. Y'all have such wonderful boyfriends! I love your video. It look soooooo cold there!

  18. Just stopping by to wish a very happy, healthy, and blessed 2019!

  19. Christmas brought you some really nice presents. “May the New Year bring you courage to break your resolutions early"! Happy New Year.
    Sweet William The Scot

  20. Mom said to keep the snow up there butt me and Stanley think we could use some cuz it has pretty much melted. We will take a picture of you and Arty wearing your matching bandannas in May! Happy New Year!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  21. I think your snow is soooo pretty,,,, but definately as long as you can go warm up your footies! Your purple toy looks like so much fun to toss around! Prezzys are fun,, Arent they! Your neck bandanna is soooo cool!
