Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Mom got home Sunday night and
we are so glad to have her home
and be back to normal around here.
It even warmed up some today to 30 degrees!!
She had a great visit with family, dogs and humans.
She hopes to have some pictures to share soon.

Now for the Soggy Doggy Doormat

Mom is quite impressed with it.
She has it at the end of the hallway where we enter the house.
It seems to get the snow off of our feet and
Mom and Dad can stomp and rub their shoes around on it and it gets the snow and wet off of their shoes pretty good
It dries quite fast and when it gets dirty it is machine washable.

You can go to their website,
 by clicking
and read about the Soggy Doggy Doormat
and their other products.

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Greta


  1. Welcome home to your mom! Let the snuggles begin.

  2. Having the MOM home is the bestest.

    Loving that Soggy Doggy door mat .

  3. I am glad your momma finally listened to me and got her butt home where she belonged!!! We can't have pretty rugs in our home till magpie stops peeing and pooping everywhere...I suggested we give her away to someone smarter who can house train her then we take her back...dad didn't think that was funny at all!!
    stella rose

  4. I bet it's wonderful to have your mom home, and I will have to check out that door mat - thanks for sharing!

  5. You totally rock Linda! That works. I hope to have a new post up tomorrow on Pugs & Purrs. That mat is sure nice, but when I saw the cost, I thought to myself it will have to wait another month or so since this months buying of Pug Snuggly's was all I could afford (pug-sized jackets made by a person who has a pug...very posh and comfy)!!
    Thanks bunches,
    Mindy :)

  6. Hi mamma- welcome home! Now everyone is happy!
    I love that door mat. We will need to check out the link.

  7. I want to buy one of these doormats one day. Just recently I have seen them arive also in Italy so I can't wait to get a hold of one of them. I hate that I have to wash the tile floors every day!
