Monday, June 16, 2014

Green and Blue

Friday the 13th was pretty good to me
Mom & I were entered at an obedience trial
We only go to a few shows each year 
and we always look forward to the  
East Idaho Spring Classic in June

Last year we were entered 2 days
 in Beginner Novice Obedience
and as I said then it was a 
"great learning experience".

Then last August we attended a 3 day Obedience/Rally trial
where I completed my Rally Novice title
 and got two qualifying legs 
towards my Beginner Novice Obedience title
So we have been waiting many months 
for the chance to finish

We only entered one day cause 
they had changed the location from outside on grass 
to indoors in a livestock pavilion !!! 
Mom wasn't to sure about that - 
was it going to smell like cow poop ???
How would all the dogs react??

Well to make a long story short
I did just fine!
(it only smelled close to the stalls)
 I qualified and completed my 
Beginner Novice Obedience title

Here the nice judge lady is handing us our ribbons

I got a green qualifying ribbon
a pretty purple and teal ribbon for
completing my title

A Blue Ribbon

for first place!!!!!
Mom says I have to tell you there were only two dogs entered in my class
 but hey! first is first!

And the bestest prize of all was this turtle!!!!!!!

Come on Mom
Me & turtle want to play!

Don't forget the Auction going on 
for Angel Mabel Lou
It ends tomorrow

And we have our
Super Pug POTP 
going for Frankie 

and sending lots of hugs to his peeps 
we know they are worried as they wait to
hear back from the dogtors.

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Greta


  1. Super job there on yur 'bedience!
    Wuz that at the doggie show in Blackfoot? Mommy's nefur gone there. She should, huh? Peepoles told her there's good stuff to buy fur Me!

    1. Yep Zoe - it was the doggie show in Blackfoot. Mom liked it better when everything was happening outside, but now they have moved a lot of it indoors in different buildings. It is quite the big show, with breed judging, obedience/rally trials and aglity trials all going on. over 1000 dogs there
      and mom enjoys looking at the vendor booths too

  2. Congrats on your ribbons and turtle win. High paws.

  3. Wow that is impressive

    retro rover

  4. Pawsome ribbons and turtle stuffie! Congratulations!

  5. Congratulations!!! That was very brave to enter a show on that friday! But with a pug you are always safe, they are a sign of gooooood luck! I bet even Mr. turtle is proud that you won him and that beautiful ribbons!

  6. WOW! You're doing just pawesome. I'm so proud of you!

  7. Great are a champion with all those ribbons! Well done!

  8. Wow Greta I remembers when you were just a little tiny puppy and now look at you a winning all those fancy ribbons, great job girl!!! We are praying for Frankie also.
    Stella rose

  9. Congrats on first place!!

  10. That is just wonderful, excellent work! Your mom must be so proud. So sad to hear about Frankie.

  11. Greta,, you are soooo pawsome and smart! Good job!!
    And I want to come play with you and your turtle too!
    Good times!!

  12. Yay!!!! Congratulations!!! You did such a great job! Have fun destuffing that turtle.

    XXXOOO Bella Roxy & Dui

  13. It would not have made a difference if there were a hundred in your class or just you ~ you would have been number one no matter what! Terrific job. The Ribbons are really pretty.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  14. Wow first place that is pawesome! Cow poop is my favorite, I like to eat it and sometimes roll in it. I don't understand why mom's don't like cow poop. Congrats again on your BIG WIN!

    Aroo to you,

  15. Congrats! Those are lovely riboons! and first place!! AND a turtle! Wow!

    1. Meant to say... Will send pawsitive thoughts for Frankie!

  16. Congrats to you!!! Your ribbons are really pretty.

  17. WELL DONE, furzt iz furzt and look at thoze wunderful ribbons.. Way to go xxxoxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  18. First place is first place no matter how many dogs were entered. Good job!


    P.S: You had asked us about the Kindle version of Pip's book and wanted to let you know that it is finally finished. Hurray!

  19. Sorry about not seeing this sooner! Wow Greta, that is fantastic!!!

    Love, Gampy

  20. Wow that is so pawsome!!!

    Loveys Sasha

  21. Bravo I love it when my furiends win much deserved ribbons!
    Hugs madi your bfff

  22. Congratulations, Greta! You are one smart little lady. I hope you got lots of treats for doing so well (after all you can't eat a ribbon!).


  23. Wow, look at all those ribbons! You did great!! You are a star!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  24. Congrats! The turtle makes it all worth while.
