Thursday, December 31, 2015

It's New Years Eve!

We have had so much fun this week
at the Howl-i-daze Hijinks

We want to thank our Mayorz
the lovely Dory at Dory's Backyard
for putting all the fun together
They did a pawsome job!

If you missed any of the HiJinks
visit both their blogs - the fun started with
Dory's Birthday Pawty on Dec 26
and has been going week long

And the fun continues today at 
The Mayorz New Years Eve Gala

Dory & I hope to see you there!

Happy New Year!!!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Home with a Cone

Thank you friends for all your good thoughts

I got to go home last night

Unfortunately I have to wear the cone of shame for a while
The dogtor removed three teeth - one that was very bad
And I have a few stitches in my cheek where the skin split

I sure was ready for my dinner when I got home 
but Mom would not let me have very much. 

I should be on the mend now
Dad set up a safe pen in the kitchen to keep me from trying to rub my cheek while they are at work.

Thank you all again for all the well wishes
it sure helps!!!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Monday, December 28, 2015

Will the Tooth Fairy Come??

Hello Furiends,
 Mr Bailey here today
Some of you may have already heard that I am having some problems with my teeth

This is what I looked like last Wednesday

My dogtor put me on antibiotics and put me on her schedule to have some teeth removed

This is what I looked like on Christmas morning
posing with my wonderful gifts from my girl Dory. 

The zen collar kept me from scratching but I figured out I could still rub my cheek on things - it was so sore
Mom and Dad were putting hot packs on every few hours, the dogtor said we needed it to drain.
Saturday morning Mom & Dad went to Petco and got a soft cone for me to wear and the infection finally started draining. We all got some better sleep and Sunday was a better day. 

So today I am at the dogtor so she can take out the nasty teeth that are causing the problem. 

I sure would appreciate some good thoughts for this old man, I need to get back to my handsome self!

We also would like to thank everyone 
for all their kind comments for our cousin Rayne, 
 here, on the POTP blog  and on Tucker & Rayne's World

Rayne's Mom has felt the love and support,
 it means a lot to her

We are The PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Sunday, December 27, 2015

RIP Sweet Baby Rayne

Dear Friends

It was only a short time ago that we introduced you to
 two pups who live with Mom's granddaughter- 
and recently started their own blog

We are so so saddened to tell you that baby Rayne 
went to the Rainbow Bridge on Christmas Eve
and left her Mom with a broken heart

We really do not know what happened - 
only that sometime while her Mom was at work, 
Rayne was tragically injured while in her own fenced backyard. Her mom rushed her to the vet, but Rayne succumbed to her injuries on the way there. It appeared that she must have been kicked - kicked hard enough to break her ribs and puncture her lung.

We just can not comprehend how someone could do this 
we just can't

Rayne got a rough start in life -last August found abandoned in a box as a very young puppy

taken home - cared for and loved dearly by her Mom and brother Tucker, she was a sweet and quiet girl, 
she was her Mom's baby girl

Goodbye Sweet Baby Rayne
We will never forget you

You can visit Rayne's Mom and brother Tucker at

to leave some comforting words

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Happy Birthday Dory!

There's a pawty going on today over at 

Miss Dory,
 Blogville's City Manager
I am proud to say - My Lady
is celebrating her birthday today!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

All Aboard !!!

 Conductor Earl says
All Aboard!

 Take a ride on the Pug Christmas Train!

Christmas is almost here!

Christmas Card Count!

Pugs - 56 
 Peeps - 9 
 Both - 4

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Monday, December 21, 2015


Hello my Friends!
I am feeling pretty good after my surgery last week
and as some of you noticed 
I do not have to wear the cone of shame!

I did a lot of resting for a couple of days

Mr Snuggle Bunny was right there with me

And since Bailey let me borrow his new blankie 

I let him have some snuggle time with Mr Bunny!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Friday, December 18, 2015

Go Pets!

We were recently asked 
if we would like to try a product from 

They are a small company that makes Pet Care and Grooming Products

We visited their Amazon Store Front 
and saw they had great reviews
Since us pugs are big shedders 
we decided to try out their Deshedding Tool

It is similar to a Furminator but has a curved head
It was larger than we expected and were afraid it would not work well for us smaller dogs

Butt it actually fits along our bodies quite well

Mom liked that it felt smooth and did not pull on our hair
It seemed gentler than the furminator

But with just a few strokes look at how much hair it got!

You can visit their Amazon Store Front
to check out their other products

We appreciate them giving us a chance to try this Deshedding tool

We were provided a Go Pets product of our choice 
in exchange for a "mention" on our blog.
We wanted to do a review because we were very pleased with the DeShedding tool

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Thursday, December 17, 2015

I Am Home!

Well my surgery is done and
I got to go home last night

The Dogtor said I did real well

I don't know Mr Snuggle Bunny
I don't feel so well

Then Mr Snuggle Bunny whispered in my ear

It's alright Mabel - you just need to rest

and I will be right here to keep you warm

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wintry Wednesday

I want to show you all the snow we have

It started snowing Sunday evening

And snowed for 24 hours!

The big pile is snow Dad shoveled off the deck

Gotta have some paths to get out to do our business

Well Friends
Today I am going to the dogtor 
to have my little lady surgery

Mom will worry of course, but all will go well

I will home recuperating before you know it!

Oh Yes!

Christmas Card Count

Pugs - 47  Peeps -5  Both -2

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Chewy & Zukes!

It's time for our December Chewy Review

We are big fans of Zukes treats so we jumped at the chance when Chewy offered us Zukes Super Treats to try

Zuke's is a company devoted to making healthy, affordable treats and chews using top-quality ingredients and formulas that reflect the latest scientific developments in animal wellness and nutrition.
Super nutritious and super delicious – Zuke's Supers help your dog's energy soar every day. Whether it's an afternoon of high-flying jumps or running circles in the backyard – dogs need superfoods to keep them going. That's why Zuke's supports this healthy lifestyle with the naturally powerful nutrients found in superfood , betas and greens.

We chose the Yummy Betas Blend: Antioxidant-Rich Veggies  with the special blend of betacarotene-rich Pumpkin, Apricot, Sweet Potato, Butternut Squash & Carrot.

look! They are in the shape of a Z for Zukes!

I observed as Mom did the scientific tests

Small and moist

Ok Mom! Enough fooling around 
I am ready for the taste test


We all got excited for these Zukes Super Treats!
We highly recommend them

And we highly recommend Chewy for all your pets needs

They deliver right to your door!

disclaimer - we were provided one bag of Zukes Super Treats free of charge in exchange for our honest review

We are The PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Monday, December 14, 2015

Monkey Can You Hear Me?


My monkey's ear seems to have a problem

Monkey! Can you hear me??

I love my monkey that Arty sent to me for my birthday

I didn't mean to chew his ear off

Gosh  - 
I sure hope this doesn't put me on Santa's naughty list!

Christmas Card Count
Pugs - 38  Peeps - 4

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Sunday Giving!

A few of our friends are in the giving spirit

are hosting their Festival of Lights!

For every furry entered they are donating $1.00 to 
the Wounded Warriors Project

This is our entry

Click on their names above to see all the great entries!

It doesn't stop there!

Today our furiend

is celebrating his 7th Gotcha Day by having 
a commentathon to benefit Legacy Boxer Rescue
Make sure to stop by 
and leave him some Happy Gotcha Day wishes

Tis the Season to be giving!!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Friday, December 11, 2015

Stuff That comes In the Mail!

What a wonderful time of year this is!
Stuff keeps coming in the mail
For US! 

First I want to model my new bandana for you

Can you tell who sent it to us me? BOL!
(We won one of OZ's great giveaways and the bandana came with it)

Thank you OZ!

then a package came for me
from a Princess that lives across the pond

It had something special inside 

not a Christmas present

 but a gift of comfort 
for when I have my girl surgery next week

Princess Leah sent Mr Snuggle Bunny to be by my side 
when I get home from the dogtor

Thank you Princess Leah
you are a sweet and caring friend


Four more Christmas cards arrived yesterday

Mom needs to figure out how to get more cards up!

 Thank you Everyone for the wonderful cards!

Christmas Card Count

Pugs - 34   Peeps - 1

Have you got your picture in for 
The Festival of Lights
hosted by Hailey & Zaphod?

Deadline to participate  is tomorrow afternoon
Click HERE for info

We are the PugRanch Kid
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Please Welcome Tucker & Rayne!

We are sooo excited to introduce our furiends
to some new doggies




these two cuties live with Mom's granddaughter
they have started their own blog

We hope you will stop on by and say Hi

Christmas Card Count

Pugs - 27   Peeps - 1

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel