Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween!


We have been having a great time at

Bailey & Dory looking sweet 
in their Little Mermaid Costumes

oooooohhh!! Creepy

The dangerous pug spider has a fly in her web!

Aren't we a couple of cute little monkeys!

Arty & I are ready for the circus!

As the pawty was winding down

we decided to change out of our monkey costumes
and catch the hayride to the corn maze

Uh Oh!

Arty & I are lost!

Will we be able to get out of the maze??

Stay tuned this week for the
Lost in the Maze Adventure!!!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Friday, October 28, 2016

Dory's No Tricks Just Treats

Dory is holding her Second Annual Blog Hop/Fundraiser
 from October 28th thru October 30th(Friday through Sunday). They will be donating $1 for everyone who links up to the hop with your Halloween post letting them know how you have helped (or plan on helping) a shelter near you! That's right, just show how you are enjoying Halloween and how you helped (or are going to help) a shelter near you and link up to the hop.

Our Angel Greta made a great spider for Halloween!

After Greta left for the Rainbow Bridge, Mom sorted through all the toys - some were still like new
She washed them and donated them to the local shelter 
in honor of Greta

Last year I went with Mom & Dad to the local Subaru Dealer for their Stuff a Subaru event. 
We donated a large bag of food and some toys.

We were disappointed to find out 
they were not doing again it this year

but we still helped out 
when Mom & Dad made a purchase from Amazon
 that was eligible for the Amazon Smile program
They bought an exercise bike and helped out
the Greater Boise Area Pug Rescue at the same time!

You can help too - Dory is donating $1 for every link to the Treats for Shelters Blog Hop along with 50 cents for every comment at Dory's Backyard from October 28th through October 30th to the Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter (where they adopted Arty and Jakey). 

So head over to Dory's Backyard and Hop On!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Thursday, October 27, 2016

October Chewy Review!

For this months Chewy review we chose

Nature's Variety Instinct Raw Boost Mixers Lamb Formula Freeze-Dried Dog Food Topper

Look Mom!
It says Protein Packed RAW for Health & Vitality!


Lamb, Lamb Kidney, Lamb Liver, Pumpkinseeds, Carrots, Apples, Butternut Squash, Ground Flaxseed, Montmorillonite Clay, Dried Kelp, Mixed Tocopherols, Broccoli, Rosemary Extract, Salmon Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar, Blueberries, Dried Chicory Root.

Tasty little bite size nuggets of freeze dried goodness
and they smelled GOOD!

We think they make great treats.

Now you can see I am not a big dog

Mom says I have springs in my legs

when I want something on the counter!

I can't have the whole bag???? is pawsome
Great prices, fast shipping
 and the best customer service around

disclaimer: As a #chewyinfluencer we were provided this product free of charge in exchange for our honest review

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Final Debate Tuesday!

This is it!
The Final Debate with all the Candy Dates!

We each will be answering questions on our own blogs so here are mine!

1-For each of the candidates and their running mates - if you could meet with anyone, living or dead, who would you like to meet?
OMD! I would really love to meet all my blogville friends because they have become like family to us. If I had to pick one or maybe two- I would love to meet Easy Rider and his peeps. We love their sense of humor and they certainly entertain us with their everyday "adventures". And they have such huge and caring hearts for all. And I would love to meet The Three Little Pugs and their mom and give them all big hugs.

2-We would like to know what fun things each candy date has in store for Blogville. What about a blogville christmess pawlender? maybe with 24 funny posts , so the time isn't too long while we wait for santa :o)

Well you know Arty and I love a good pawty!!  With the holiday season fast approaching we see a Christmas Dance and a Valentine's Day Dance coming to Blogville whether or not we are elected!
As for a Christmas Pawlendar,  that is a great idea!! Maybe we can have everyone sign up for a day in December!! Whether or not we are elected, we will get this under discussion right away!!

3-If you win, will you replace the entire administration or will you reappoint those who wish to stay in their pawsitions? 

      If Arty & I are elected all members of the current Blogville Administration will remain in their positions unless they do not wish to. In that case we will advertise for replacements and also we will be asking any of our talented Blogville population if they would like to volunteer their favorite talents for a position in the Administration.
You can click HERE to see the current administration at  Mayorz Murphy and Stanley's Blogville administration page!

4-I have have a question for both candidates, who is your hero and what superpower do you wish you could have? 

      This was a hard question - because I can think of so many heroes that it is hard to name one. My heroes are the wonderful rescue organizations that help save our furry friends and find them furever homes. And I have to mention the foster peeps that give of their time and homes and hearts until just the right home is found. Their hearts must be HUGE!
       If I could  choose a super power  - - I would want the power to heal so all anipals could live long and healthy lives

5. Mabel we divas know we must dress to impress. Have you decided which of your pretty dresses you will wear on election day?
Decisions, decisions! I have been trying on everything in my wardrobe  - no decision yet!

6. Dear Mabel
Please can you tell me how to get rid of a pesky puppy?
     BOL! This is another hard question because if you ask my siblings it was not so long ago that I was a pesky puppy ( and maybe still am sometimes!). I would say just have patience and that pesky puppy will grow up before you know it to be your best friend. 

Thank you for being here friends!
Be sure visit the other Candy Dates

Chris over at Paw Province
 Oreo over at Oreo's Cookie Jar

 Arty over at Dory's Backyard!!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Monday, October 24, 2016

Monday Monday

One week until Halloween and Look!!!

We got our very own pumpkin
 carved by Nellie!

Thanks Nellie! 
You can visit Nellie HERE.

And this is the last week for 

If you missed the post - click on the link above
We still have some buttons left!
Don't be shy!
 if you would like a button 
send us an email with your snail mail address to
pugranch2 AT msn DOT com

We will send the buttons anywhere!

And finally 
Don't forget that tomorrow
is the final Debate Tuesday

The Candy Dates will all be answering YOUR Questions!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Friday, October 21, 2016

Flashback Friday

Can you find me in this picture??

You know - 
I still like my toys arranged just like that!

 We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Monkey Business

Hey Arty!

Does your circus need another monkey??

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

It's Your Turn!

The Election for Blogville Mayor is only a few weeks away!

 We need YOU to ask the Candy Dates Questions!! 
Please ask Arty, Mabel, Chris or Oreo 
a Question in our comments,
 and we will answer it next week in the 
 before the Blogville Election!!

Get your questions in!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Monday, October 17, 2016

A Ghostly Pawty Invitation

Do you all know about the 
Blogville Halloween Pawty?

It's gonna be hosted by Dory & Arty

There will be "Bobbing for Cookies", A Blogville Hayride, and even a spooky Halloween Corn Maze!!!
Send your pictures to bethblog (at) ebchristians (dot) com
They can be of you dressed up for real...or with Pizap
You can take your chances by sending a picture and letting them dress you up!! 
send pictures to:
bethblog (at) ebchristians (dot) com

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Friday, October 14, 2016

We Still Have Buttons!

Angel Greta wants you to know
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

If you missed our post about our BCA button giveaway
you can read it 

We still have buttons!

If you would like a button to
support Breast Cancer Awareness
send us an email with your snail mail address to
pugranch2 AT msn DOT com

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel, Mabel
Angel Greta

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Debate Tuesday - Vice Mayor Candy Dates

Hello Friends! 
Welcome to the first ever 
Candy Dates for Vice Mayor of Blogville Debate!

Let me introduce myself
I am Maybe She's Mabelene, running mate of Arty
most of you know me just as Mabel

I will be answering questions along with 
Oreo -
 Candy Date Christmas's running mate

If everyone is ready we will proceed with the first question

1. Have you had experience with pawlitics in Blogville before?

Mabel - I do not have previous experience in Blogville pawlitics. However, my siblings, Mr Bailey and Hazel, along with Angel Greta were the campaign managers for our current Mayors, Murphy & Stanley. They helped run the successful campaign under the business name B, H & G Management. It was during this campaign that Bailey got to know Dory and they....   well I guess that story is for another time

Oreo -  I have not had previous experience with pawotics. Although it does interest me and i wanted to support Christmas. I have had the pleasure of serving as christmas's campaign manager.

2. Explain how your personality and your candy date's personality compliment each other to make the pawfect team.

Mabel - Arty and I just seemed to "click" from the start.  We like the same things, we like to have fun, we both like our monkey toys and we like to do zoomies. When Arty and Dory visited us at the PugRanch last June,  we started zooming like we had always known each other in the furs. Arty always makes me feel special which gives me confidence in myself and I hope I help him feel the same way. Together we can do great things!

Oreo - Christmas and I have never met in the furs but we seem to have a natural connection. We just kinda get each other and we work very well together.

3. How will you continue to support your candy date if he becomes mayor?

Mabel - When Arty and I had our meet in furs he shared with me his hopes and plans for Blogville should he become Mayor. It will be my job to help him see his dreams for Blogville come true. Whether he needs someone to help spread news, or someone he can talk to and bounce ideas off of, or just someone to be by his side, I will be there for him - especially if he wants to do some zoomies!. He is my guy! 
Oreo - If Christmas were to be mayor...I would support him fully and do whatever i could to help him He is such a great guy.

4. What skills will you bring to Blogville as the Vice President?

Mabel - I have been attending training classes since I was a pup. Earlier this year I passed the Canine Good Citizen test and in August I completed my Rally Novice Title. I also have two qualifyiing scores towards my Beginner Novice Obedience Title. In addition to that I am also very skilled at getting my peeps up early in the morning so I can have breakfast. I begin by smothering them with kisses and if that doesn't work I grab the covers and pull them off. I am very good at keeping the peeps on schedule!

Oreo - Skills....well..besides working together well...I bring the fun part to our team. After all...I do have my own pawsonal Bubble machine!!!! Our team will have fun and laughter.

5. Why did you decide to join the Blogville Pawlitical race with your Candy Date??

Mabel - I decided to join the Blogville Pawlitical race with Arty for a few reasons. First, I think Arty would make a great Mayor and I wanted to support him. I also thought of it as a way to give back to the Blogville community that has been so supportive to our family in good and in sad times. That is the best thing about Blogville - how much we are there for each other. If Arty and I can help even more anipals feel welcome in Blogville it would be pawsome. If you want to make a difference, you have to get involved!

Oreo - I started out being campaign manager and i could see how awesome christmas was so when he asked me to be his VP it was a no brainer. Christmas loves blogville and wants to keep it great and add to it with his own personal stamp. He wants to keep it friendly and fun and welcoming to others.

6. Of course, we are sure Blogville is dying to know, what is your most favorite toy and why??

Mabel - I love my monkey, most specifically I love my monkey's tail. I love to chew on it and get it all soggy and wet and then share it with Mom or Dad - they really love that. Mom has had to repair the tail a few times but it is still hanging in there. BOL! I also love my ChuckIt Frisbee. I can run fast and chase it down and sometimes I catch it before it touches the ground. I like a toy that has ears to chew on, well I guess you could say I love to play and chew on my toys!

Oreo - My favorite....ummmm thats tough cuz i have several. I LOVE water and bubbles and balls. If i hafta choose....I'd say balls. I'm a sucker for any type or size ball. I pop em, chase em and chew em. Balls are awesome!!!

That is all the questions we have today
Be sure to visit
for their take on the debate!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Monday, October 10, 2016

Debate Reminder

Don't forget tomorrow is 
Debate Tuesday
with the candy dates
for Vice Mayor!

We were having internet and phone problems yesterday
but it gave me time to study for the debate!

See you tomorrow!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel