Thursday, October 6, 2016

Angel Greta's BCA Button Update

Our annual button giveaway
to promote Breast Cancer Awareness
(check our Monday post)
has become very special to us 

it warms our hearts that friends do not just ask for a button
 they ask for one of Angel Greta's buttons - 

We are honored to send the buttons to friends that want to support someone close to them or just want to show support for BCA, to friends that might be fellow survivors or are fighting the battle. We've sent buttons on behalf of friends to their friends and family. 
And we love that we get requests from silent readers of our blog - friends we didn't even know we had.  
God bless you all

We still have buttons available -

If you would like a button
 send us an email with your snail mail addy to
pugranch2 AT msn DOT com

We will send the buttons anywhere! 

Those of you that have already requested buttons - 
they are on their way!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel, Mabel
and Angel Greta


  1. Hari OM
    Touching hearts from the beyond, that's your Greta - big huggiees and waggles, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. isn't that great that so much people find together to show their support? this bis C brings so much tears and sorrows to peeps and pets and maybe we all together are strong enough to beat it... finally...

  3. Everybuddy out there get your pin lickety split we have one and my Auntie K has one. Every time somebuddy sees mom's pin on her purse they ask about it. Mom tells them Greta's story.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  4. I always look for to wearing my Angel Greta Button in memory of this special baby girl and in honor of her mom, which is a survivor. God bless!

    Janice Boney Webb

  5. We are wearing our Greta Button all month. Thank you so much for doing this. stella rose

  6. Spread the buttons and spread the message!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. We are very proud of our button. It is a great way to support breast cancer survivors

  8. Thank you so much! Mimi is looking furward to her Angel Greta button. Such a good cause and a grreat way to remember Angel Greta at the same time.
    Your Furend
    Louis Dog Armatrong

  9. This is just so absolutely special♥

  10. What a pawesome button and cause!!!

    Matt & Matilda

  11. This is such a wonderful tradition. I have one - in a place of honor.

  12. We just love that your message is reaching so many!!!

  13. Thank you for our Greta button too

  14. I loves my Angel Greta button!!!!!
    Ruby ♥

  15. That is so very special!!! <3.

  16. I had my button on just this weekend with October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot
