Monday, September 17, 2018

Madi - Till we Meet Again

It is through tears today
 that we are remembering everyone's BFFF


We met Madi and her Mom
 shortly after we started blogging.

Who knew that an "itty bitty kitty" could be so much fun, such a diva, 
the most caring and thoughtful friend, 
twerk with style, and inspire all of us 
as the first feline Mayoress of Blogville.

What a wonderful life Madi experienced 
thanks to her loving pawrents.
She left her pawprints all over Blogville 
with love and grace.

We will miss her dearly
 but she will live on in precious memories
 and the hearts of friends and all who loved her...

Especially her Mom & Dad

Till we meet again dear Madi

Your BFF'S
Hazel & Mabel


  1. Oh what a sweet memorial post to dear beloved Madi.
    Thank you so much.
    Bertie and Gail.

  2. you found such fabulous words for Madi, hugs &thanks to you that was a wonderful tribute for a wonderful friend

  3. What a beautiful and very true tribute...
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  4. What a beautiful tribute to Madi♥

  5. Hari Om
    already missed... thankyou for this beautifurs post. YAM xx

  6. The tears fall again as we read your beautiful tribute to Madi. Madi and her Mom are way at the top of our list of BFFs - we are so sorry she couldn't stay with us here forever, but we know too that she will always be with us in our hearts. Soft woos and gentle hugs from all of us.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  7. Oh my word Linda....bless your heart for this most beautiful poem that captured Essence of Madi purrfectly. " As sure as Stars come out at night"....oh what a beautiful visual this has given me. Even through my misty eyes.
    I tell you one thing she is really twerking today....we got her ashes back and OMCs they are in a Mahogany box...(not urn) and the box was in a red velvet bag. I nearly fainted with sheer happiness. We did not select these but boy are they purrfect. I have saved this poem and it will go in Madi's last blog book that I print...that is just her blog. I will be continuing to blog under with with some modifications. Thank you for your love and being my huggy puggies.
    Greta....the showing madi around today I'm sure.

  8. Okay, I'm crying again. That was so beautiful ♥ Madi has left a big hole in Blogville's heart. We will love her forever. ♥

  9. We are so sad to say goodbye to such a special friend.

  10. We were so saddened to hear the news this morning about Madi. Sending lots of hugs and condolences to her family.

  11. It's amazing how attached we can become to another animal that we have never met, all because of our blogging community.

  12. We love you Madi. You will make Rainbow Bridge a better place

  13. What a wonderful tribute to everyone's special BFFF. Madi will be missed by all.

  14. So many tears have fallen across the planet for precious Diva Madi. She will be dearly missed.

  15. Madi was a huge part of the heart and soul of Blogville. So many tears have been shed since she went to the Bridge.

  16. Oh, this is such a lovely tribute my furiends! Madi is gonna be missed so very much. Right nows I just knows there is some twerkin' goin' on up at the Bridge
    Ruby ♥

  17. We did not know Madi and are sad to learn of her passing. Yours is a lovely tribute.
