Friday, March 22, 2019

Nature Friday

After several beautiful sunny days

we woke up this morning to rain and dreary skies

We did have a nice visitor in the yard

Mr. Pheasant was checking the lawn for snacks

He did not stay long, 
flew over the fence and across the road into the sage brush

Weatherman says we may have snow by Sunday

We sure hope not!

This is the 


We are the PugRanch Kids
Hazel & Mabel


  1. Not more snow!
    We do hope Mr Pheasant has found a good meal somewhere.
    Toodle pip!

  2. Hari Om
    Well, I have to say I thought we were getting more snow today - but there was enough rain in it to keep it away. Still not spring here, that's fur sure! You be sure to keep warm and dry dear puggles! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. oh what interesting visitor... and snow? oh wow, we hope the weatherguy is wrong and you will get sun instead of more white stuff...

  4. We have drear and rain today too. Your pheasant is so beautiful!

  5. There was a little girl who had a little wait a minute that's a tail! BOL!

  6. That rain must be what is headed our way for the weekend. Mom is so sick of our muddy paws - here we go again!!!

    Cool to have a pheasant stop by for a visit:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  7. Oh me that photo could have easily been taken here a few days ago..except we don't have pheasants...just tree rats and lots of song birds.
    I hope the snow is just a minor event if at all.

    Hugs to my two puggies. How was Hazel's vet visit today?

  8. Wow! We haven't seen a pheasant in ages! We see lots of those noisy geese, though. ghostwriter says they're all over the shopping mall parking lots.

  9. Has nobody told Mother Nature that spring has sprung? BOL! I am so impressed that a pheasant landed in your yard. They are soooooo beautiful!

  10. Where had your spring gone? We are gong to send out a crack team to find it.

  11. We hope the snow stays far, far away!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  12. How cool that you had such a pretty bird in your yard. We woke up to snow on the ground today too but it should melt by tomorrow.

  13. What a gorgeous bird in your yard! He came to visit you! Snow here too. But spring is getting closer!

  14. It rained here last night but think the weekend looks ok precipitation wise. Next storm forecast for next Friday, Saturday, Sunday but we'll see. At least the temps are warming up.

  15. Oh yes, lots more rain here too ~ butts at least we gets some sun in between the rain now, so that's lots better! That is one pawsome burdie gurls! I hopes she found some snacks...
    Ruby ♥

  16. What a fun siting!! It has been a long time since I saw a pheasant in the wild. We have them here, but they are few and far between.

    Blue skies and sunshine here - I hope it stays too! Take care, and enjoy your week!

  17. Charlee: "Oooh! A pheasant? Do we have pheasants here, Chaplin?"
    Chaplin: "No, just peasants."
    Charlee: "What are peasants?"
    Chaplin: "Anyone who's not Mama or Dada."

  18. That birdie was pretty!
    Did you get more snow?

  19. I had a pheasant in my yard this past week, Lee had not seen one in years and was a nice surprise. She thinks to many people have hunted them to eat.
    Your Friend
    Sweet William The Scot
