Friday, March 29, 2019

Nature Friday with More Snow!

In typical Idaho fashion 
we got up this morning to snow

It is still snowing as we write this post
with bigger flakes

We apologize for our sporadic posting and commenting lately. There has been a lot going on around here
This last week was rough for me and Hazel
Last weekend Hazel got really bad diarrhea. Poor baby was up and down all Saturday night. Mom got some medicine from our dogtor. Just as Hazel was starting to feel better I got the diarrhea - ugh. Hasn't been much good sleep at the PugRanch. I am still on the mend so we are missing an obedience trial today.

Mom got new glasses yesterday.
Because her right eye has been looking through the wrong prescription after her surgery, it will take a bit for her eye to adjust to the new lense.  Unfortunately what she is struggling the most with is reading, including on the computer. 
So please bear with us!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Hazel & Mabel


  1. we send lots of potp to you and your humans and we hope the good news will knock on your door soon... and we hope that was the last battle of that mr. winter and he goes back to north pole...

  2. That looks a lot like the kind of snow we had earlier this week. The last bit we had looked like the angels were having a pillow fight and huge white feathers were coming down from the sky! But I think we're finally done with the worst of it. It's actually slightly warm out today! Wooohooo!

    Hope your Mom feels better soon.

  3. Hari OM
    Well, to share the chill, our clocks spring forward this weekend but the weather man just gave us a severe cold warning!!! Sending POTP to your whole ranch... can't go astray, can it &*> Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. We're sending POTP to your mama. And we hope Mother Nature leaves the snow behind soon so you can enjoy big sun puddles outside.

  5. Look at the beautiful weather you're having !!!!! Oh, that looks lovely! To us, anyway. Our mom does not agree.
    We hope everyone starts feeling better! Sending prayers for your mama.
    Cam and Mags

  6. Lots and lots of potp you you pals.
    We hope no more snow shows up.
    We want spring flower and sunshine.

    xo Astro and Mitzie

  7. Oh my goodness...We are sooooo sorry you girls aren't feeling well and hope you all are feeling better real soon!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  8. Bless your hearts! Diarrhea is so miserable and I'm sorry you both had tummy troubles. Feel better. I can't believe it is still snowing up there but Pailsey told us that it might.

  9. They keep saying the snow word here, but we think it is going to amount to nothing:( So sorry to hear about the sickies - we hope all are better soon. And Mom, keep working with those glasses - hard to make those adjustments. Our Dad is having some serious eye issues so Mom has been pretty busy and worried.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. We're sorry to hear you gals have been under the weather and hope everyone feels better soon. Our weather peeps are calling for snow on Sunday. We hope they are wrong.

  11. We send all three of you lots of healing vibes and AireZen! We hope this is the last time that you will see snow this season!

  12. Mabel, we've had the squirts on and off for about 3 weeks. Mom took us and two jars of our poop to the dogtor. Our regular dogtor wasn't in, so the other one tested the poop and there were no worms, so he filled a bottle with broad spectrum antibiotics, to which Mom said, "No." She's good at that word. She paid for the test and walked out cause he didn't even see or examine us. She got canned pumpkin - which is really yummy - and after a few days of that we were ok again. I didn't mean to tell you all that, Mabel. We are sorry you and Hazel were sick with the squirts and are glad you are better. xox Lucy

  13. Well done on the movie!!
    Oh my huggy puggies I'm so sorry you both have been feeling so poorly.
    There is nothing worse than that kind of sickies!!
    I certainly understand about your sweet Mama's eye saga. After 3 months of less than perfect vision, Dad of Madi was finally fitted with proper glasses. He still has to wait for them to be made...but we are on the short road now.
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. We haven't been able to comment as much as we would like do to life too. We know it happens. Take care of yourself and each other. POTP.

  15. Hope you all get on the mend soon and get some spring coming your way too!🌷🌱

  16. You gots the poopies that is not good ~ I have never had the poopies Lee says I have a cast iron stomach. Hang in there this too shall pass ~ well one way or another!
    Your Friend

  17. I sending healing vibes to all of you. And I hope that the snow goes away soon!

  18. Oh dear, we're just catching up here ourselves, and are very sorry you've all been having such a rough time.
    Let's be optimistic. Spring is on the way soon. Surely?
    Toodle pip!
    Bertie (and Gail).

  19. Goodness! No one likes the dirrehaeas!!! We hope they go away for good!
    And we hope your moms eyes adjust to the new glasses soon!
    I am sending you POTP sunshine,, and no more snow wishes

  20. Oh noes gurls! Your posties haven't been in my feed!!! pffft! Butts I did get todays, so I am catchin' up. I hopes you gurls are feelin' betters now and no more of the running of the butt. That is no funs for anybody!
    I hopes your Moms eyes are better too ~ no funs not bein' able to read!
    {{{hugs}}} to all of you, and I hopes you gets some warm spring weathers soon!
    Ruby ♥
