Monday, March 13, 2017

#ChewyInfluencer 30 Day Challenge Wrap Up

Last month Miss Natalie at
 asked if we would like to do a 30 day challenge with

Rachael Ray Peak Natural Northern Woodlands Recipe

 with Turkey, Duck & Quail Dry Dog Food

A big bag of food showed up lickity split at the PugRanch

I have been happy to eat this food

Why are you making me wait for my breakfast Mom???

As you can see - I dive right in!

So here are our final thoughts on  

Rachael Ray Peak Natural Northern Woodlands Recipe

 with Turkey, Duck & Quail Dry Dog Food

Transition to this food went very well, no digestive problems at all.

Hazel started the challenge with me, but started butt scooting a lot so mom put her back on our normal kibble. 
She still occasionally scoots so it may or may not have been the kibble.
 It is grain free so not sure what might have been the cause. 

My furs have stayed shiny and soft

My poops have been consistently solid

As we mentioned in post #2 we were somewhat disappointed that the duck and quail were low on the ingredient list. 

This food is priced lower than what we would consider "premium" dog food so would be more affordable than what we have been buying. 

The big question
Would we consider getting more of this food??

 Although I have done real well eating this food
 the answer would be no.

It is easier for Mom if we all eat the same thing and 
it lacks one ingredient that Mom has found to be very beneficial, especially for Mr Bailey - Pumpkin.
He tends to have a sensitive tummy at times and finding a good kibble with pumpkin has been great for him. 

We want to thank Miss Natalie and for giving us the opportunity to test this food.

We love were you can find great prices, super fast shipping and the customer service is the best of any company we have ever dealt with!

disclaimer: we were provided one bag of Rachael Ray Nutrish Peak Kibble free of charge to try for 30 days in exchange for our honest review

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel


  1. that was a fabulous review... it's good to discover new things, but sometimes our things are the best :o)

  2. Hari OM
    Well done on taking up the 30-day challenge; it never does any harm to explore new possibilities and it can, as you state here, confirm when the status quo is equally good! hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. My sweet Huggy Puggies this is a great and fair review!!! I 100% agree it is better for all 3 of you to eat the same thing. My sis needed to feed Mia hair ball food. Mia refused to eat it. Since Mia likes anything in Frisco's bowl, sis got sneaky she put it in Frisco's bowl. Mia ate it now they are both eating it. Crazy pants felines. I'm glad I'm not that finicky (mom says LOL)!
    Although I don't eat veggies/fruits I have heard great benefits come from pumpkin.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  4. Quail sounds quite interesting. Yummy!
    Lily & Edward

  5. A good review. We usually go for the first ingredients listed. Totally understand having just ONE food that agrees with everyone! We must say, you're looking fabulous, Mabel.

  6. We HAVE tried some of Rachel Ray's foodables and Snacks... since it is all MADE.. in Meadville, Pencil Vane E Ah... just up the road from our house. We have NOT tried This flavor though.
    We are So glad to have our furends do these Reviews since we KNOW that our Furends tell us the Real TRUTH about everythingy.
    We Also need to be able to eat the same thingys... so we can Certainly understand why this one is not fur you. BUTT we know that Other than the Lack of Pumpkin in the ingredients... all is Well with this foodable.

  7. Sounds like a delicious food! I tried Rachel Ray's wet food right when I came to my new home...I had lots of gas and diarrhea (TMI, sorry!) but my angel sister Katie was great on it. I have a sensitive stomach!

  8. Nice, honest review! Well done!

  9. wow, the bag is a big as you. Thank you for the honest and informative review. Sometimes I think dog food companies spend more on packaging than the food

  10. Great review and honest! Thank you!

  11. What a GREAT and measured review, I luffs that you can give your HONEST opinions, pawfect work.
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  12. We are glad you had the chance to try this food. We get pumpkin in our kibble every night, Mom just adds it from the can:)

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  13. Pawsome review! It are easier if everybody eats da same foods - around here it's Finley who's got allergy issues, so we all just eat what she can.

  14. You did an excellent and honest review.

  15. Thanks for your honest review. Lady says it is impossible to have us on different foods so she understands.

  16. Turkey, duck, quail?? Nom, nom, nom.
    Your fur-iend,
    Sam 🐾

  17. Thanks for the great review. It does look super yummy, but our mom does not like to change our food either.
    Wyatt and Tegan

  18. We love your honest and heartfelt reviews, Mabel....Arty reall loves your cutie patootie head tilt!!
    Dory, Jakey, Bilbo & smooches from Arty

  19. We completely understand wanting to feed everyone the same food. I"m glad the boys both like the same thing too. It was nice to follow your journey with this new brand. ☺

  20. Oh yes, I understands! Though it does look super duper yummers, I gets why buying just one food is easiest fursure. You did a FABulous modeling job, and a FABulous review!!!
    Ruby ♥
    pees: I thanks you for the cookies.....even if they were virtual, they were DELISH! ☺

  21. It sounds like a great food for some pups. We run into the same thing - we want to choose foods that work for both of our dogs so that means that some good foods are instantly out of the running. Thanks for sharing!

  22. An excellent 30-day challenge, Pug Kids. Thank you for your honesty in reviewing the food!

  23. i wanted to sat that i love all of you

  24. Great review - lots of impawtent and useful details :-) Nose licks and love from Moth xx
