Friday, April 28, 2017

Run With the Big Dogs

Last Saturday, Mom & I participated in the
20th annual Run With The Big Dogs 
 It's a fundraiser 
for our local animal shelter

We got a tote bag with a t-shirt for mom, our race number, some toys, a leash and other goodies

I got my very own bandana to wear

This is Bianca, 
she came with Mom's granddaughter
(you may remember her from Out of the Mouth's of Dogs)

There were a lot of other dogs there

We signed up for the 2K walk
next year we will try the 5K

After our walk, 
Bianca enjoyed one of several wading pools 

Bianca & her mom

Me & Mom

It was a fun day 
and we plan on doing it again next year

We are the PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Mabel


  1. Hari OM
    My word, that does indeed look like fun - and fitness making!!! what a lovely bright day you had too. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. that are pawsome gifts... the bag is very cool, it can hold a lot of treats for you... when you do the 5k next year....

  3. Oh, what fun!! Momma does LOTS of those racey things. I've done just a few with her, but they're always so pawesome. Congrrats!

  4. What a fun day for all of you!

  5. Oh wow! That looks like it was a great event; something fun to do together to support your local shelter!

  6. Well done! That looks like it was a cool t-shirt too!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. That was a very fun day for you and Bianca. She sure is pretty. Did you get in the pool too?

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  8. WTG Mabel...I love that photo of you and your sweet Mama!
    OH NO TELL ME IT ain't SO you have snow...on April 28TH?
    Jumpin' cat fish
    Hugs madi your bfff

  9. What a fun day, and for a terrific cause. A tip of the tail to you and all the other walkers.

  10. That's a great day out!!! We always run with big dogs, but we're not helping anyone like you are....good for you!

  11. We remember Bianca. Does Tucker still live with Bianca too?

    That was a great event for the local shelter! Good work!

  12. It looks like you had a great time and it's always to help out your local shelter.

  13. Walkies with big dogs?! How fun and a great way to help out the shelter. Well done, guys!

  14. What great fun and what a great way to spend such a beautiful day too -- And that fun swag added with friends along is just an extra bonus!

  15. That looks like a ton of fun, Mabel!!
    Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  16. Way to go Mabel! Bet you gave those big dogs a walk for their money too :)

  17. Oh wow that looks like a fun time!!!

    Matt & Matilda

  18. How fun! We love that picture of you and your mom!!!!

  19. That sure does look like a great time and for a good cause!

  20. Looks like you guys had a wonderful time for a very good cause!! what wonderful pressies you got as well!!

    Molly and my Mom @The Fast and The Furriest

  21. That looks like such fun and I love the theme!

  22. Sounds like a lot of fun! And what a nice day for it. Cute bandana, Mabel!

