Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Winnie's Wish Wednesday

WINNIE'S WISH is a very special cat rescue and shelter ~ and a very special auction is now taking place to support this wonderful care facility.  Please stop by to take a look at the many great items available ... choose for yourself, or as gifts.

And note please on the sidebar of the blog ~ Winnie's Wish Shopping List!  
Perhaps at this time you don't find an item to bid on ... well,
every shelter is always in need of basic supplies ... so just click on link there and 
you can directly order supplies as your contribution to the
shelter, it's an equally wonderful way to support Winnie's Wish.

One more way?  Maybe you'd like to donate item(s) for the auction?  
If so, just contact Andrea, by email:


When you visit - see if you can guess which item we bid on!!

And feel free to share the badge created by Ann at Zoolatry

We are the PugRanch Kids
Hazel & Mabel


  1. that little kitten is so cute! going over there right now...mags

  2. Thank you my sweet Huggy Puggies we'll head over now
    Hugs madi your bfff

  3. You've reminded us that it's about time to donate to our local shelter.

  4. Thanks for the tip! We'll have to check it out!

  5. We visited too and they have some purr-fect items to bid on.

  6. Ooooo, that sounds interesting! Ma will go overs and see what she can see!
    Thanks for the heads up!
    Ruby ♥

  7. Thank you so much for sharing! I think I know which item you were drawn to.. ;)

  8. What wonderful items to bid on!

  9. Kudos for sharing. Here's hoping Winnie's Wish receives loads of support and goodies.
