Hello everyone!
It's me Hazel here today
I know that Mom has mentioned several times
that I had become a picky eater
Just when Mom thinks she has found something I really like
I don't like it anymore
Sometimes it would take me 5 to 10 minutes
to decide to eat
Well that has all changed.
A few weeks ago I started having some daily episodes of reverse sneezing.
Mom took me to see the dogtor.
She sent me home with some antibiotics
and a cough suppressant.
I felt better right away
it has helped my appetite
Hey Dad!
Don't you want to share those chips??
Something in the fridge sure smells good

I really would like some of this good smelling food
Maybe I can just help myself!
Sheesh Mom!
I can't believe you would not let me have some of those yummy ribs from Famous Dave's
note from Mom:
Hazel has finished a week of antibiotics
We started with 2 of the cough suppressants per day for 4 days
then 1 a day for 4 days with no trachea episodes
We reduced to 1/2 pill a day and unfortunately she had some issues
so we have gone back to 1 a day for a while longer and then try again to reduce
The vet said we might have to get through the season change
or at her age it might be Hazel's new normal
and it will be a matter of figuring out the lowest dose to control things.
The good side is her appetite.
While it has been a daily struggle to get her to start eating
now I put her bowl down and she digs right in!
We are the PugRanch Kids
Hazel & Mabel