Monday, May 21, 2018

Mom's Vests

A while back we told you about the material that Mom bought to make a vest to wear to our trials

Well the vest is finally done!


Mom found these cute little paw print buttons in different colors. They came all the way from the UK! 

We think this looks like a pug!

This is not the first vest Mom has made
Last year she was going through her craft stuff and found two pieces of material. Neither was enough to make something by itself so she combined them to make a vest.

The front is a paw print 

She found the buttons at Hobby Lobby

We love the back material

Pugs, pugs and more pugs!

We have a few events coming up in June 
Mom will be wearing her new vests!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Hazel & Mabel


  1. oh the buttons!!!! how cute... your mom has golden hands... and please take photos of the events, the vests are super cool!!!!

  2. The vests are beautiful~ And the paw buttons are perfect. Your Mom is SOOOO clever.

    Abby Lab

  3. Can you hear us clapping wildly! OMCs OMPs we love them and the accessories your mom found are PERFECT!! We like the white trim on the front of newest vest...those buttons are just adorable
    Hugs madi your bfff

  4. Hari OM
    Tell mum she needs to be careful showing off these fine items... she'll be getting order!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. You are going to look so stylish. And we agree with Aunty Yam....there may be orders coming in!

  6. Both vests are just fabulous!

  7. I love them! They are absolutely perfect for trials!!!! (Not criminal trials, I hope ;)

  8. Those are so cute. We love the fabric for both of them and the buttons are perfect.

  9. Your Mom is so talented. Her vests are lovely. Our Mom used to sew but now she says it is too hard to thread the needle:) BOL

    Good luck at your events - we know you will do very well.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. That is beautiful. Your technique and detail are exquisite. We tip our tail to you.

  11. Oh my gosh...waaaay too adorable cute! LOVE those buttons.

  12. OMD...Did you hear our Mama squee-ing?

    We love those vests, what a talented Mama you have!!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  13. Wow! Those are great! Ghostwriter has some pajamas with pugs on them.

  14. Those are so cute! I used to have a dog vest and absolutely loved wearing it.

  15. Your Mom pays a lot of attention to detail and has a good eye for what goes well together. I bet the same holds true when she is working with you two pups, too. <3

  16. Do they have a ribbon for best Dressed Mom?

  17. hello pugs its dennis the vizsla dog hay that is a verry kyoot vest wot yore mama mayd!!! and i think i may hav be detekting sum sort of dog theem going on their!!! ok bye

  18. The vests are adorable! You mom is so talented!

  19. Those are SUPER cute! Your mom did a great job!
