Monday, December 30, 2019

My Thoughtful Guy Arty!

I have the most wonderful sweetheart!

Arty sent me some wonderful Christmas presents 
He knows just what I like!

Arty & I both love Zukes!

Oh yummy! Peanut Butter!!

And what girl doesn't want their very own 
Chewy Vuiton purse! 
Hilda is so jealous and keeps trying to steal it.

Did i get the face right? BOL!

 Arty knows a gal has to be able to take everything she might need when she goes to a trial. 
Mom says this tote will be great for our "extra's" 
like coats and collars 
and most impawtent, plenty of treats!!

Thank you so much Arty!
You always spoil me and I love it!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Friday, December 27, 2019

Nature Friday

Two weeks ago we had a nice snow storm

It was pretty snow that came straight down
 instead of blowing sideways as it usually does

Unfortunately we had some rain first 
so it made the roads treacherous

On the other hand, 
with Mom & Dad both retired,
 nobody had to go anywhere

Except outside to potty!

On Monday I will tell you about the wonderful pressies
 I received from my special guy Arty! 

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Monday, December 23, 2019

More Agility Fun!

We had another fun Sunday afternoon practicing agility

Last time we did a jumpers course 
with jumps, tunnel and weave poles. 
Yesterday we had a standard course that also includes 
the A-frame, teeter and dog walk. 

Hilda got her turn first

Mom was really pleased as Hilda did jumps, the tunnel 
and even the tire at the end!

Soon it was my turn.
This video is my second run.

A pawfect run with 12 weave poles!!!

Thank you everyone that has sent us Christmas Cards
We have so many more than Mom & Dad!!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Monday, December 16, 2019

Officially Official

We are pleased to announce that I am now officially

Hilda Heaven Sent

When I arrived at the PugRanch last May 
I did not bring any AKC registration papers with me.
We are thankful that AKC offers pups that do not have AKC registration papers to apply for a limited registration that allows them to compete in AKC dog sports.

In my case (and Mabel's also) we applied for a 
"Purebred Alternative Listing"

   Dogs that are of mixed heritage may apply for a
"Canine Companion" listing 
and will be designated an "All American Dog"
 for competition purposes. 

To apply for my PAL# I needed to be at least 6 months old,
 spayed (or neutered for boys), 
send a front and side picture 
and tell AKC why we think I am a purebred Pug. 

My front picture

Side picture

2 weeks later it arrived in the mail!
My official listing with AKC! 

And that is not all!

Now that I have a PAL #
Mom was able to send in my Canine Good Citizen test results and have that title added to my record!! 

So now I am officially 

Hilda Heaven Sent CGC

Mom and Mabel are pretty proud of me! 

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Monday, December 9, 2019

Sunday Agility Fun!

Due to the winter weather being cold and unpredictable
our trainer schedules training in an indoor arena
 at least once a month

18 dogs and their peeps came to play agility

Mom talked Dad into coming with us 
and he got some video of our first runs

Mom and I like challenging ourselves
This was an excellent/masters course and I nailed it 
except for the 12 weave poles.
 I did get all 12 on our 3rd and last run!

Hilda got a turn too!
Mom took her out and did random jumps
 and of course tunnels which she loves.
She even went through the tire!

This is the end of her first play time. 
Mom rewarded her after each obstacle
and then she saw Dad!  BOL!

It was a great afternoon
Mom was very proud of both of us!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Christmas Stocking

Mom has a tradition of cross stitching a Christmas Stocking for each of the grandchildren. 
She started this stocking last year for the youngest.
Unfortunately her eye surgery
 prevented her from finishing it then.

She was able to finish it this year! 

It is ready for Santa to fill with Christmas goodies!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Monday, December 2, 2019

PDCA Rosette

I got something really special in the mail Saturday

My rosette from the Pug Dog Club of America
I was rated the #5 pug in Rally Intermediate for 2018

We were invited to participate in the Pug Showcase
 at the PDCA National Specialty last month 
but it was held in Maryland 
and we decided it was a bit far to travel
 for just me & Mom

What a great honor and such a beautiful rosette.
It even has my name on it!!

Thank you PDCA!!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Snowy Wednesday

It started snowing this morning
It is supposed to snow and blow for the next few days

So we will be doing a lot of this
 for the Thanksgiving holiday!

Wishing all our friends a very safe and
Happy Thanksgiving

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Friday, November 22, 2019

Paw Prints on the Wall

One of our local vet offices has an upstairs room that is available for classes 
and other small events.
This is where both Hilda & Mabel have gone to Puppy Kindergarten
 and Puppy Pre-Sport classes

This picture was taken at the Pug-O-Ween event 
we attended in October. 
The wall we are standing in front of is covered in paw prints
At the end of each Puppy Kindergarten class the graduating puppies get to put their paw prints on the wall.
It is wonderful to look for, not only our own paw prints,
 but those of furiends from days gone by

Hilda! Graduating class of July 2019

Mabel! Graduating class of March 2015

Angel Greta!! Graduating class of June 2012

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tasty Tuesday

Hilda & I both love to chew.
We have a selection of antlers, rubber nylabones 
and on special occasions we enjoy a Whimzee

This morning I introduced Hilda 
to her first Himalayan Chew!

I immediately showed her how nummy they are!

After taking hers and running around the house with it 
Hilda finally settled in one of the dog beds 
to experience the taste of her first Himalayan Chew

I had not had one in a long while and it was like heaven

Hilda enjoyed hers so much she did not even come into the kitchen while Mom was cooking breakfast!

Mom loves that they are long lasting 
and we will get to enjoy them for a while

The deadlion is almost here to join in the 
Holiday Card Exchange!

Don't miss out on the fun 
of getting more cards than your peeps!!!

We are The PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Oh MY Pug! Mabel is 5!!!

Happy Birthday to Me!!

Can you believe that I am 5 yrs old today?

 Mom let me open the packages 
that came earlier this week

My sweetheart Arty always spoils me 
with wonderful pressies

Look at this blankie!!!!
It is soft and comfy and has my name on it!!!

Arty also sent me some yummy Lamb & Salmon treats!
Thank you Arty !!! 
You are the bestest guy ever!!

A also got a reindeer monkey from Mom & Dad & Hilda
Now it is time for my birthday breakfast
 of scrambled eggs and cheese!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Birthday Girl Mabel & Hilda

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Blogville Holiday Card Exchange!

 The Holiday Season is fast approaching!

It's that time again to see 
if we can collect more Holiday Cards than our peeps!!
Thank you Ann @zoolatry for our cute graphic

This year the handsome Arty and his Mama
 are handling the card exchange

Time is of the essence 
so check out the information below to get in on the fun!

Feel free to share the badge - the more the merrier!

 First, email to the following information:
1-Your Name, Blog Name and Blog Address
2- The Address you would like your card sent(email address or physical address)
3-How you will be sending your cards

Make sure to get your information via Email by November 20th!
the list will be emailed out on November 22nd

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Pre-Sport Puppy Class

First of all let me tell you that I 
am doing wonderful!
Mom is amazed at how well I have healed from my big girl surgery. Both Angel Greta and Mabel
 had reactions to their sutures but not me! 
My incision looks totally healed and I feel great!

In September and October 
Mom & I went to Pre-Sport Puppy Class

This is me on the puppy sized A Frame

It was a really fun class!

Next week I get to start going with Mabel on Monday nights
The winter session classes will be starting!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Friday, November 8, 2019

Remembering Tweedles on Nature Friday

Today on Nature Friday 
we want to celebrate the life
 of our dear friend Tweedles 
who made her journey to the Rainbow Bridge 
earlier this week

Tweedles loved visiting her forest and forest friends

 She shared that love on her blog

Tweedles' stories were magical,  
her gentle words transporting us
 to places filled with beauty and love

such a precious soul who touched so many 
with her magic bubbles and caring heart.

Tweedles had not blogged for a while but her blog is still active if you would like to visit and experience her wonder for the world and nature around us

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel and Hilda

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Resting Wednesday

Hi furiends

Thank you all for the healing vibes

I really am feeling pretty good after my surgicals

But Mom says I have to rest and stay quiet.

Mom and Dad are starting to feel better too!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda