Friday, June 28, 2019

Nature Friday!

It's Nature Friday!!

This week for our CGCA class 
we went to park along the Portneuf River

 There was lovely walking trails
making for a great walk to see nature

Here we are doing sits stays along the river bank
Guess what was right behind us??

Ducks and Geese!!!

We met a family that was feeding the ducks
There was lots of geese poop on the path 
but I was good and did not try to eat any

We practiced our down stays too
It was a pleasant morning for a walk
several bicyclers were enjoying the trail too

We finished our walk by posing for a picture on these rocks!
left to right - Me, Touche', Oakley & Riley Sue

Show us your nature!
Join the Nature Friday blog hop
hosted by

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Another Wahoo Wednesday!

While I hate to keep tootin' my own horn
This was too exciting not to share!

I received this surprise in the mail yesterday

I have been invited to participate in the Pug Showcase 
at the Pug Dog Club of  America's National Specialty 
this November 

The showcase honors the 2018 top pugs 
in conformation, obedience, rally and agility

I was ranked #5 in Rally Intermediate!

This is such an honor
Nationals are in Maryland this year so it is very far away
Mom says we probably won't attend but they will send me a beautiful rosette to commemorate the occasion. 

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Friday, June 21, 2019

Nature Friday

Last weekend we all went on an adventure!

We joined our Grandpa and Dad's sister and brother-in-law for a ride in a mountain canyon

Hilda is ready to load up in the razor

Come on Dad! 
we are ready to go!

After riding for a while we stopped for lunch

Mom took us on a walk to stretch our legs and potty

Don't know if you can spot the tiny little butterflies
 kind of in the center of the picture
They were a pretty blueish color 
and filled the air when we approached

We only had Dad's phone so we did not get a whole lot of pictures but it was a fun day out in nature.
We might go out again tomorrow!!

Join the blog hop with

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Wahoo Wednesday

Last week Mom & I went to the Blackfoot Dog Shows

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and dog

I finished my Preferred Novice Obedience Title!!


We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Monday, June 17, 2019

A New Class!

Mom & I started a new class on Monday mornings

Canine Good Citizen Advanced

It is not a typical class. 
Each week we go somewhere new 
and the teacher evaluates how we react and behave.

The first week we went for a walk in
"old town" Pocatello and saw a lot of new things

We posed for pictures on some church steps

We saw other people, and there were odd or loud noises.

Practiced sit stays in front of a restaurant

This grassy area was a good place for down stays

Last week we visited a local pet store 
that has a petting zoo

There were goats and pigs and llamas and chickens
I think the baby goat wanted to meet me!

Inside the pet store was this big tortoise!
I tried to say hello but he pulled his head in - 
how did he do that?

We then went across the street to a nice walk path

Here we sat in a circle while our peeps kept moving around the circle changing dogs

So far we are all doing really well.
Today we are going to visit Sportsman's Warehouse.

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Wordless Wednesday

Thank you to
for these great shots from the PKC Agility Trial in May

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Monday, June 10, 2019

Movie Monday

Happy Monday!!

Hilda here again!

So I have been at the PugRanch for 2 weeks now 
and gosh am I having fun. 
There are all sorts of interesting things to play with 

This is my puppy sized tunnel. 
I like to run through it 
and play with my toys in it too!

I thought you might like to see me in action 
with some of my other fun toys

This is my wobble board

My puppy size teeter!

I wasn't too sure about this toy making noise

Mom & Dad love me lots and Mabel too
I think I am gonna love it here!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Friday, June 7, 2019

Nature Friday

Hello Furiends!

It's me!  Hilda!
Mom said I could show you the pretty flowers in our yard
for Nature Friday with Rosy, Jakey and Arty

the weather has been cool and rainy

Then some sunny days made the flowers grow!

So many pretty colors!

this is my favorite!

I love playing in my yard with my sister Mabel

Happy Nature Friday Everyone!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Monday, June 3, 2019

White Paws and Rainbows

Do you believe in signs from heaven?
Mom Linda here today to tell you a story about 
White Paws and Rainbows

 Two weeks ago Stan & I had a discussion 
about the right time to get a new pug baby. 
I felt I was not really ready, 
maybe in the fall would be a better time. 
Stan left to visit with his dad and I went to check my email where I found one from a friend 
telling me about an ad for pug puppies. 
Curious, I had to check it out. 

Then I saw this picture

 My heart skipped a beat! White Paws!  
White paws on a pug are considered a flaw by AKC standards. 
Those of you who have followed us for a long time
 may remember that Greta, 
who we lost tragically at a young age, had two white paws. 
I started to cry, Greta had found me another baby. 
I called Stan, then called the number in the ad.  
It was almost too easy. 
The female with the white paws was the only one left. 
The owner answered all my questions 
and I told him about us and our love for pugs.
 It felt right to both of us. 

Later that evening when Mabel & I headed to class 
there was a full rainbow across the sky. 
I knew it was our Angels smiling their approval

Two days later we went to meet this little doll
and that Sunday 
Hilda joined the PugRanch family

Hilda's gotcha day selfie! 

Mabel watching over her new baby sister

All tuckered out

We could not be more thrilled with how Mabel has welcomed her new little sister. 
We had concerns about jealousy but there has been none,
 Mabel even sharing her space in the middle of the bed!

This first video is them playing on day 2

You can see in the next video that after a few days Hilda has become more confident in their play

Our hearts are full of joy
Welcome Miss Hilda!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda