Friday, June 28, 2019

Nature Friday!

It's Nature Friday!!

This week for our CGCA class 
we went to park along the Portneuf River

 There was lovely walking trails
making for a great walk to see nature

Here we are doing sits stays along the river bank
Guess what was right behind us??

Ducks and Geese!!!

We met a family that was feeding the ducks
There was lots of geese poop on the path 
but I was good and did not try to eat any

We practiced our down stays too
It was a pleasant morning for a walk
several bicyclers were enjoying the trail too

We finished our walk by posing for a picture on these rocks!
left to right - Me, Touche', Oakley & Riley Sue

Show us your nature!
Join the Nature Friday blog hop
hosted by

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda


  1. what a wonderful school... with such fantabulous outings and even geese!!!

  2. That's very hard to ignore yummy goose poo. You are an excellent student, Mabel!

  3. Ohhh I love the picture on the rocks. We have a gander of geese that like to walk around leaving poop mail. I sometimes have to hopscotch the poop.
    Well done Mabel to you and your friends
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Hari OM
    I do like your rock poses - what a fun walkies!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. What I want to know is, would you pups all be Good Citizens if a large mammal ran across the path in front of you?
    Toodle pip!

  6. Sitting and staying while there are ducks and geese around. Don't think we could do that! We are impressed.

  7. Happy Nature Friday. What a beautiful day for a walk on the trail. The last photo posing on the rocks is just the best. Thanks for the share. Have a great upcoming weekend.
    World of Animals

  8. What a fun walk Mabel...what a great way to practice all your skills!
    Arty, Jakey & Rosy

  9. Oh my gosh, you have them too? The geese are everywhere. We love the last picture.

  10. Waits, you DIDN'T bark at the duckies and the geese AND didn't roll in the poopies??? Okays, I can see that there were no terrierist there with you!!!! BOL!!!!
    Good job Mabel! You and your class are better puppers than MOI! hehehehee
    Ruby ♥

  11. I see geese and duckies on my bike rides here.

  12. We can't imagine how difficult it would be to try and do a down stay with all those ducks so close by.

  13. You are doing so good in your class. We would loose our minds if we saw ducks and geese. We understand that rolling in goose poop is really fun!

  14. Wow! What good doggies! I would have been running around and barking if there were ducks and geese around. It was nice to see an Irish setter. We hardly ever see these any more. Dad's big brother was an Irish setter and he has lots of good memories of him.

  15. Such a regal group of well behaved bunch of dogos!

  16. That was a lovely outing, Mabel. Xox Lucy and Xena

  17. What a tough class! Hachi does a similar one now but he rarely refrains from the goose poop. You're a superstar, Mabel!

  18. Wasnt it so fun seeing those duckies!?
