Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Another Wahoo Wednesday!!

Hilda here again 
with more exciting news to share!!

We got the official news on Monday


I passed the Agility Course Test One!!

Once again AKC allowed beginner dogs 
to submit videos for judging

The Agility Course Test is for very beginner dogs
 to show they can follow a course and do obstacles. 

You must get two scores of at least 85 
and complete each course in 60 seconds

Here is our first run!

Score - 100 
time 33.29 sec

Then we did the course in the opposite direction

Score - 100
time 25.12 sec

I am now officially

Hilda Heaven Sent RN CGCA ACT1 TKN

Mom got me my very own ribbon board!

I am off to a great start filling my board


I have a ways to go to catch up to Mabel!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Wahoo Wednesday!!

Well my furiends
I know you all wanted to hear my exciting news

Like most everything, that nasty Covid-19 thing has been canceling dog sports all over the country. 
AKC decided to let dogs at the Rally Novice level 
work towards their title virtually! 

We were given a choice of 5 courses to set up and video.
 3 qualifying scores on 3 different courses 
and I could earn my Rally Novice Title!

Mom got busy making rally signs 
and Dad got busy making sign holders

We submitted our videos and guess what?

I completed my Rally Novice Title!!!!

We are going to show you 2 of our entries
 that we filmed in our "Big Yard"

This is the map for course #1

Video is below

Score - 96 out of 100 possible points

Next we did course #4

Here is the video

Another great score 91!!

We filmed our 3rd entry at a park
a few more distractions and Mom almost tripped over me but we scored an 85 (you need 70 to qualify)
 and finished the title.

Mom was so proud of me 
she ordered me a special one of a kind Title ribbon.

I will have more exciting news coming soon!! 

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda 

Monday, June 29, 2020


Hello Furiends!!! 

sorry we have been away so long. 

We are all fine and despite the pandemic 
we have kept busy. 
Mom & Dad working on projects
 and me and Hilda training at home.

Just in the last few weeks
 we have been getting together with our training friends for some outdoor fun.

Hilda is going to have some exciting news to share
 and we went on a camping trip too!

For now we will leave you with some pictures of us having some agility jumping fun!



We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Thursday, April 16, 2020

ISO-lympics Fun!!

It's a Big Day in Blogville!

We are participating in the Blogville ISO-LYMPICS!!
hosted by our friends down under

Hilda & I have been training hard for our events

first up...

Wrestling on the Couch!

we each competed in backyard agility 

Hilda in Beginner

And me in the Novice Level

For our final event we teamed up for

Doubles in Tunnel & Table!

We hope you enjoyed our ISO-LYMPIC fun today.

You can visit our hosts
for links to all the participants.

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Friday, April 10, 2020

Mom's Agility She Shed

We know you were all anxious to see 
what else was developing here at the PugRanch

We have accumulated quite a bit of agility equipment 
so Mom & Dad thought we needed our own shed 
for all of our stuff! 

It took them about 10 hours

and the shed was complete!


The next day Dad worked on replacing sod

While mom started putting our stuff in there

There is lots of room for everything!! 

And then there was one last finishing touch
to make it our own...

Don't you just love it!!! 

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Dad has been Busy

Even before we started staying at home all the time,
Dad was busy building things

Dad thought we needed more agility equipment 
so we can practice and learn at home

He built us a dog walk!!

A pause table

And the teeter got a fresh coat of non skid paint!

 For some reason he fenced off part of the yard

Why are you digging up the grass Dad?

Something very interesting happening here!
Can't wait to show you!

We sure love our Dad. 
He does such wonderful stuff for us.

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Friday, April 3, 2020

Nature Friday Fun

Some of you may have heard 
that Idaho had a 6.5 earthquake on Wednesday. 
We felt it but the epicenter was in central Idaho
  in a fairly remote area (we are in southeast Idaho)
and there were no bad damages reported that we know of. 

 Then yesterday we woke up to this!!!

What are you supposed to do when it is cold and snowy 
and you are under stay at home orders??

Mom got out some of our new puzzles

This is the easiest of them 
and I had it mastered in no time at all

Then Mom put down a harder one 
and let Hilda try the easy one

I am sure glad that Hilda is sharing her birthday puzzles with me!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Checking In & A Birthday!

Hello Everyone!
We apologize for our long absence from Blogville.
We wanted to let you know we are all fine.
Mom & Dad's flooring project 
(kitchen floor then new carpet and spring cleaning)
kept them so busy there was little time for the computer. 

Then after 8 years cancer free, 
Mom spent most of February dealing with the possibility 
of having breast cancer for the second time. 
Her yearly mammogram on Feb 4th
 led to a biopsy performed on Feb 26th. 
We are so thankful to tell you the results were benign!!

Most of our dog activities have been canceled for now
 due to COVID-19
We sure hope all of you and your peeps are staying well. 

This is one of our last times out on St. Patrick's day!

Now guess who's birthday it is??

Hilda is one year old!!!!

Are you serious Mom??

At least you put it on the right way this time

Why didn't you just put it there in the first place!
Mom & Dad ordered some busy puzzles for my birthday but they haven't arrived yet, they will be so fun!

Dad has been building us some agility equipment so we will be able to practice at home as soon it is ready and the weather cooperates (we had a skiff of snow this morning)

We are praying for the world and hope we will all be able
 to return to normal life in the future

Much love from
The PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Monday, January 20, 2020

Hilda's News

Hello, Hello, Hello!!

Still a lot of craziness going on here
 but I want to tell you my exciting news

Over the holidays weeks we have a winter session 
of fun classes

This a group picture of some of the dogs
Mom is scolding us for not looking at the camera

the last night of class you can test for a trick title

These are the dogs that earned a trick title
Do you see me on the end!!!! 
That is right
I earned my Novice Trick title!

I have not received my certificate yet 
so we will show you my Checklist

I have my CGC title so that counts as 5 tricks
I had to do 5 more from the list. 
I got on a box, did a high five, went over a jump, shook hands and went through a tunnel 

Now I am
Hilda Heaven Sent CGC TKN

Pretty cool huh??

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Wordy Wednesday

We're still here!!

We apologize for not being around much lately
Things have been a bit crazy here
Last week Mom went to the skin doctor
 and got the "red light special"
We are not sure what was so special cause she came home looking like she had baked in the sun for a few days and we were not allowed to give her any healing kisses!
Her face is finally starting to look normal again.

Then one of Mom's new year projects got done in a hurry.
Planning on redoing the kitchen floor
builder son called and said this last weekend was the best time he could help. So Thursday Mom & Dad bought the flooring they had already picked out. 

This is the flooring that has been in the kitchen for 14 yrs.
It is still in great shape but Mom wanted a change.
 They spent Friday pulling up this up

This is the original vinyl floor 
from when Mom & Dad put in the house 25 yrs ago!

Luxury vinyl planking replaced the old floor!

Mom is so pleased with the look!

In a few more weeks we will be getting new carpet!!

Hilda has some news that we will share next time!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda

Monday, January 6, 2020

Monday Movie

Hilda here today to tell you 
that although snow is fun to play in..

It is really cold! 

I have discovered the best way to warm up

Camp out over the heat vent!

Check out my flapping ear!!

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda