Friday, January 25, 2019

Good News on Nature Friday

Good news from Hazel's dogtor appointment yesterday!
Her lungs were clear and heart rate good.
The combination of lasix and dilitazem 3xday is working.
We do hope eventually to reduce or discontinue 
her trachea cough medicine (temeril-p) 
but for now we will make no changes.
Thank you again for all the well wishes for our little girl.

On this Nature Friday 
we would like to share a beautiful sunset 
we witnessed a few weeks ago

Mom says the pictures never do it justice!

This is a blog hop with
Rosy, Arty and Jakey at

We are the PugRanch Kids
Hazel & Mabel


  1. oh my that are such super news !!! Hazel we are happy and even the sunset celebrated this good news with being eggs-tra beautiful!

  2. That really is wonderful news, hooray Hazel, keep it up pretty girl!

  3. Hazel my little huggy puggy you are a R O C K starlet! Yay for your excellent dogtor report and for your parental units and extra YAY for you taking your meds so well.

    What gorgeous Nature you have in I da H o
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Oh that is super duper news about Hazel! Well done all those involved in helping our dear friend.

    Gail has the same problem capturing sunrises and sunsets to her satisfaction. But your pictures are pretty good, we think.

    Toodle pip!
    Bertie (and Gail).

  5. Hari OM
    Well, that is just the best way to end this week!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. We are sooooooooo happy to hear this wonderful news, Hazel! Your sunset looks beautiful to us!

  7. WAHOO!! What wonderful news about Miss Hazel! We are so happy she is doing better!!

    What a beautimous sunset!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  8. We are all doing a big happy dance for Hazel and for you!!! We bet you were even more excited about that news than we are, and we are over the top!!! Good work!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber and Mom

  9. That is excellent news for Miss Hazel. You sure did catch a lovely sunset.

  10. Best news of the day! We are happy for her and for her loving parents

  11. WoooooHooooo! OMD, this is most FABulous news gurl! I am doin' some happy zoomies and gonna drinks 87 margaritas in your honor! okays...Ma said I can only have 85...meanie.
    Oh, that sunset is beautifuls!
    A good day indeed.
    Ruby ♥

  12. That's terrific news about Hazel! What a beautiful sunset. Have a lovely weekend.

  13. Happy Nature Friday. We are all happy here to hear the wonderful news for Hazel. Such great news to read starting our weekend. Love seeing a beautiful sunset. It's just very relaxing. Thanks for sharing the great news. Have a wonderful weekend.
    World of Animals

  14. We love sunsets. Ghostwriter says she's glad our house faces west so she can see the sunsets, even thought we don't have a nice view like you have.
    We're very glad to hear Hazel is doing well now. Hooray!

  15. GREAT NEWS!!!
    We been thinking of you Hazel.
    Glad you are doing so much better.
    We like sunsets and sunrise.
    Keep warm pals.
    xo Astro and Mitzie

  16. I'm so glad to read about the good news for Hazel! We're continuing to send the best of vibes for her!

  17. That is awesome, awesome, AWESOME news!!!!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  18. Charlee: "That's great news, Hazel!"
    Chaplin: "We are sending lots of purrs that you continue to feel well for a long, long time!"

  19. Yay! That is wonderful news! I am trying to catch-up with visiting. My daughter-in-law started back to work last week and I am keeping the grandbabies. A two-year-old and a five-month-old keep me very busy but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

  20. I am SO SO happy about Hazel. Love to all of you.

  21. Thats the best news in the world that Hazel had a good report from her doctor! Yay!
