Friday, January 4, 2019

Nature Friday

Here we are 
the first Nature Friday of the New Year!

Last week we had a foggy morning

It sure makes everything look gloomy

We do love how it paints the trees with frost

As the fog lifts the frost falls off
and makes it look like it is snowing

We have had some very chilly weather 
since we got all the snow over Christmas
Tuesday morning it was 7 below!
Thank goodness we are warming up a little each day

A quick Hazel update
Mom took Hazel in for a recheck yesterday
Her lungs sound much better but she is still having some bronchial issues which is making her breath hard. 
She stays on the Lasix and we are trying a new medicine to help her breathing, so keeping paws crossed it works

This is a blog hop!

Hop aboard with Rosy, Arty & Jakey

We are the PugRanch Kids
Hazel & Mabel


  1. Oh my huggy puggies those are some mighty fine frosty photos...and quite pretty too.
    I think I need another cuppa coffee to warm up.
    Hazel my sweetie pie I'm so glad to hear you are holding your own and your lungs are sounding better. Fingers crossed the new med works double time
    Hugs Cecilia

  2. I love the frost on your trees - and the thought of it falling off like snow!

    We all have our paws crossed for Hazel. I hope that she keeps improving.

  3. Hari Om
    We just had three days of the fog - no white stuff. Now the new year is here, the temps have plummeted and we are starting to see frosts... POTP continuing for Hazel! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Paws crossed for Hazel. Keep improving, little girl.
    It's 6 a.m. and 85°F here already. Your frosty morning makes us feel good!

  5. Wow, the fog makes everything looks sooooo pretty!!!

    Sending POTP for Hazel, we hope the medicine works and she is breathing easier real soon!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  6. The fog makes everything looks so mystical! My paws continue to be crossed for Hazel.

  7. We’ve had some really foggy mornings here too! Your fog with the frost and snow is incredible.

  8. Fog and frost can make for some pretty pictures. We are keeping our paws crossed for Hazel that the new medicine helps.

  9. Hazel baby girl we are praying for your breathing problems
    to go away. Keep warm and maybe sleep under the covers.
    Get better soon!!!
    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  10. It looks a lot more like winter at your place than ours. No snow, warm temps, and muddy paws:(

    All the best to Mabel. Hope her meds help a lot.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  11. Wow! You sure have some thick fog! But you're right: it makes everything look beautiful. We're still waiting for some cold winter weather. It was quite spring-like here in WNY today. (My ghostwriter says, be careful what you wish for.)

  12. Your frosty trees are so pretty.
    Sending best wishes to dear little Hazel.

  13. Healing purrs and POTP for Hazel. We have had lots of fog here too but alas we don't have snow so it isn't nearly as pretty.

  14. I bet the trees really are pretty in and after the fog. It does make for dangerous driving conditions. POTP for Hazel for a full recovery.

  15. Your 'nature' is so beautiful even if way too cold for me! Don't mind the snow, but those sub-zero temps are too rough for me. Stay warm, girls!

  16. Praying that Hazel feels better and that she can breath more easy. Seven degrees below why that would freeze my bottom off. Our weather has been in the high forties and we love that.
    Your Friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  17. Your frost is beautiful!! Its looks mighty cold!!! Burrr!
    Paws crossed for Hazel!!! Get better Hazel!

  18. These photos are lovely. Our winter has been so mild - hardly any snow and not very cold at all, but still gray and gloomy.

    I hope the medicine helps Haze feel betterl! XOXO

    1. Oops, sorry for the typo ..I hope the medicine helps Hazel feel better!

  19. Ooooooooo, your hood looks FABulous!!!! Snow AND fog??! How pawsome! We just gets the fog here, no snow (sadly), butts Ma says that looks very cool!
    WooooHoooo for HAZEL!!!! I'm glads you're doin' betters, butts I would likes you to be closer to the 100% mark, k? Sendin' lots of POTP and healin' vibes! And of course, lots of AireZens!
    Ruby ♥
